So, I recently determined that being allowed on Facebook at around 3 am is just about the worst possible thing for me to do.
I'm a night auditor, so it's not like any of my friends are on, but I will always be on. Because the actual amount of work we have to do ends at about 2 most nights (there are exceptions where we don't finish until like...5, but those are definitely the exceptions).
So I end up essentially spamming on peoples' walls and news in general.
This led me to believe that I should probably not be allowed on. Which led me to my settings page, hoping there was some kind of "lock-out" option for certain time gaps. (This should exist, BTW. People wouldn't be able to change it and might actually get their homework and other shit done.)
But I found no such thing.
Instead, I found "Account Security." Within "Account Security" is a list of places Facebook believes that I've been logging in from- based on my internet service provider and wireless carrier.
Here's the list of places it thinks that I've been:
May 26- Memphis, TN
May 27-28- Kansas City, MO
June 7-8- Back in Memphis
June 10- Sioux Falls, SD
June 11- Livingston, NJ
June 13-14- finally got it right with Fargo, ND.
I mean...seriously? I wish I traveled that much. But come on Facebook!
So I had a good laugh about their inability to actually locate me. If anyone is on the run from the FBI or IRS or something, don't worry, Facebook won't get you caught unless you stay in the same place for over a month.
In other news, still not king yet. Though I'm thrilled to be celebrating the 10-year Anniversary of the release of The Fellowship of the Ring movie this December! My life has never been the same since I learned what true obsession was from this glorious trilogy. *sigh*
(Anyone who didn't understand that, click here.)
In other, other news, I'm going to be a proper writer tomorrow and go buy a sad coffee at a Starbucks and spend my whole day writing. It's going to be wonderful. Because I'm too lazy to spend a half hour driving home and then back to work after only eight hours. (Somehow it doesn't seem worth it. So I guess I'm going to be trying gym showers after I exercise in the morning =/ )
Lastly, I'm torn between growing out my hair or cutting it again. Decisions, decisions. On the one hand, I prefer short hair because it's cheaper and I don't have to do anything to it. On the other hand, sometimes I want long hair.
It's currently at this awkward length where it's kind of uncomfortable- you know where it's too short to tie back but too long to ignore? It's also shorter than my brother's hair, which is sort of giving me a complex.
Mostly observations, sometimes a good anecdote, maybe just a general journal entry, whatever runs through my mind when I sit down at my computer when I'm left alone (or when I'm walking to class).
Why I have a blog...
There are two goals in mind for this blog:
1.In the style of Allie Brosh (, I'm hoping that I can simply become famous before I graduate so I never have to decide on a real career.
2. Let's prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory right! If you like what I write, tell a friend, and have them tell a friend, until all the friends everywhere have been notified.
1.In the style of Allie Brosh (, I'm hoping that I can simply become famous before I graduate so I never have to decide on a real career.
2. Let's prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory right! If you like what I write, tell a friend, and have them tell a friend, until all the friends everywhere have been notified.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Inconsistent Blog is Inconsistent
It's so sad that this was so so very consistent at the beginning but now I'm kind of like "pffff whatevs."
It makes me sad for my future. Oh well- I'll manage somehow.
I decided at work tonight that I'm going to write a book at work. For real this time, not like the last time I said it where I had the idea and then decided no one would read it.
I'm gonna do it!
And, if I'm lucky, maybe I'll finish it by Christmas so I can get it published and then be like "that's right, Oprah's Book Club author!"
...yeah, my life is really this sad that these are the things I contemplate at work.
So yes, other than that I really want to give you all this:

You need to understand. Everyone knows, and we are proud of it! It makes me laugh every. single. time.
In other news, still working on that Darwinism thing. And my room is still...roomish. I kind of like my mattress being on the floor- I've wanted to do it since I was in junior high but my rooms have always been too small. I may continue in this fashion.
Also, I bought a camcorder!!! So I may end up randomly posting silly videos here. Yay!
It makes me sad for my future. Oh well- I'll manage somehow.
I decided at work tonight that I'm going to write a book at work. For real this time, not like the last time I said it where I had the idea and then decided no one would read it.
I'm gonna do it!
And, if I'm lucky, maybe I'll finish it by Christmas so I can get it published and then be like "that's right, Oprah's Book Club author!"
...yeah, my life is really this sad that these are the things I contemplate at work.
So yes, other than that I really want to give you all this:
You need to understand. Everyone knows, and we are proud of it! It makes me laugh every. single. time.
In other news, still working on that Darwinism thing. And my room is still...roomish. I kind of like my mattress being on the floor- I've wanted to do it since I was in junior high but my rooms have always been too small. I may continue in this fashion.
Also, I bought a camcorder!!! So I may end up randomly posting silly videos here. Yay!
Monday, June 6, 2011
The World Through the Eyes of Slash Fan (Part III): A Blessing and a Curse
Based on recent events (for those of you who don't want to go look at the pretty picture/ can't tell who they are anyway- it's Robert Pattinson KISSING Taylor Lautner at the MTV movie awards), my roommates and I have concluded that slash fans (otherwise known as "girls who like boys who like boys") are no longer a subculture.
We have moved into the great big world of...culture. WE ARE VICTORIOUS! Seriously though, it's kind of exciting to see that we don't necessarily have to hide anymore.
So yay! We're not exactly freaks who hide in basements and have credos like "the first rule of slashing is that you don't talk about slashing"- because, really, what's the point of slashing if you can't talk and squeal about it with other people who are slashing?
It's fantastic and fun and I love it. We have loads of fun and are some of the most enthusiastic fans you will find.
Unfortunately, I realize that there are some...counterproductive facets to my beloved culture.
Primarily- everything, EVERYTHING, is seen through hot-pink-hued "gay goggles." We can find something to slash in pretty much anything, and we will- rational or not- we will slash it.
This means irritating people around us who are less inclined toward slash. And possibly being banned from speaking during certain Supernatural or X-Men First Class
Now, were I not a 20-something female and was already on in my years and wasn't failing Darwinism 101 and had managed to snag a guy and produce grandchildren for my parents to spoil, being a not-so-closet slash fan probably wouldn't be a problem. Probably. (I know of several really good slashfic authors who fall into the category I just mentioned.)
The sad thing, though, is that I am a 20-something female and I haven't yet passed Darwinism 101 and done above mentioned things.
And I am a not-so-closet slash fan.
What this means, is that on top of trying to convince some unfortunate guy that I'm not a waste of space, said unfortunate guy also has to contend with my gay goggles.
In other words, he would have to put up with me sometimes imagining him with other dudes. If I'm extremely lucky, he'll subscribe to Kinsey and call himself a 90-10 or an 80-20 (or even 50-50!) and it won't really bother him.
If I'm extremely unlucky, he would find out, be completely weirded out, and probably give me the "okay we need to talk" look (the breakup one, not just a "this concerns me and we should discuss it" one...because I would probably end up slashing him for it >_> ).
So, sorry Mom, I think you might have to wait on the grandkids another...couple decades. (At least from me! There's still hope on the younger sibling front!) :D
But, at least I'm in a better situation than one of my friends, who is basically only attracted to gay men. She has better gaydar than you could ever hope to buy from Radio Shack!
We have moved into the great big world of...culture. WE ARE VICTORIOUS! Seriously though, it's kind of exciting to see that we don't necessarily have to hide anymore.
So yay! We're not exactly freaks who hide in basements and have credos like "the first rule of slashing is that you don't talk about slashing"- because, really, what's the point of slashing if you can't talk and squeal about it with other people who are slashing?
It's fantastic and fun and I love it. We have loads of fun and are some of the most enthusiastic fans you will find.
Unfortunately, I realize that there are some...counterproductive facets to my beloved culture.
Primarily- everything, EVERYTHING, is seen through hot-pink-hued "gay goggles." We can find something to slash in pretty much anything, and we will- rational or not- we will slash it.
This means irritating people around us who are less inclined toward slash. And possibly being banned from speaking during certain Supernatural or X-Men First Class
Now, were I not a 20-something female and was already on in my years and wasn't failing Darwinism 101 and had managed to snag a guy and produce grandchildren for my parents to spoil, being a not-so-closet slash fan probably wouldn't be a problem. Probably. (I know of several really good slashfic authors who fall into the category I just mentioned.)
The sad thing, though, is that I am a 20-something female and I haven't yet passed Darwinism 101 and done above mentioned things.
And I am a not-so-closet slash fan.
What this means, is that on top of trying to convince some unfortunate guy that I'm not a waste of space, said unfortunate guy also has to contend with my gay goggles.
In other words, he would have to put up with me sometimes imagining him with other dudes. If I'm extremely lucky, he'll subscribe to Kinsey and call himself a 90-10 or an 80-20 (or even 50-50!) and it won't really bother him.
If I'm extremely unlucky, he would find out, be completely weirded out, and probably give me the "okay we need to talk" look (the breakup one, not just a "this concerns me and we should discuss it" one...because I would probably end up slashing him for it >_> ).
So, sorry Mom, I think you might have to wait on the grandkids another...couple decades. (At least from me! There's still hope on the younger sibling front!) :D
But, at least I'm in a better situation than one of my friends, who is basically only attracted to gay men. She has better gaydar than you could ever hope to buy from Radio Shack!
Friday, June 3, 2011
I was struck by a realization while driving to work and a Nickelback song came on- Canada might just be the most unfortunate country ever.
There are a lot of pros to Canada:
* Universal health care
* Same-sex Marriage is legal
* Fantastic education system at all levels
* Neil Young
* Supernatural and a bunch of other shows are filmed there
* Female leaders
* A terrific list of actors who are from there
* Wayne Gretzky and Gordie Howe
* CHRIS JERICHO for you girls and PAM ANDERSON for you guys (anyone ever see Striperella?)
* Marconi invented AM radio up there, and other people developed things like phones...and TV...and apparently basketball (this belongs below, IMO so it's going there too)
The list could probably go on for quite a while, actually. And it would sound awesome! ...until I get to the cons.
* Basketball
* No guns
* French
* "Eh?"
* Nickelback
* Celine Dion
* Justin Bieber
...and that's a 'nuff said for most people to point and laugh and never, ever consider going there for more than a week (two if the Olympics are there).
There are a lot of pros to Canada:
* Universal health care
* Same-sex Marriage is legal
* Fantastic education system at all levels
* Neil Young
* Supernatural and a bunch of other shows are filmed there
* Female leaders
* A terrific list of actors who are from there
* Wayne Gretzky and Gordie Howe
* CHRIS JERICHO for you girls and PAM ANDERSON for you guys (anyone ever see Striperella?)
* Marconi invented AM radio up there, and other people developed things like phones...and TV...and apparently basketball (this belongs below, IMO so it's going there too)
The list could probably go on for quite a while, actually. And it would sound awesome! ...until I get to the cons.
* Basketball
* No guns
* French
* "Eh?"
* Nickelback
* Celine Dion
* Justin Bieber
...and that's a 'nuff said for most people to point and laugh and never, ever consider going there for more than a week (two if the Olympics are there).
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