So I think we can all agree that commercials are really suckish. We sit down to enjoy our favorite TV shows or maybe a movie that looks interesting but maybe not enough to justify spending money on it.
Then, after barely seven minutes of good programming- it comes.
The commercial break.
Now, I have a terrible short-term memory. I can sit through one commercial and completely forget what I was watching.
So yeah, from the beginning I dislike commercials.
There's also the fact that so many of them just suck.
A few have succeeded in being awesome. The scrubbing bubbles commercials that begin with something about the toilet brush? Yeah, that's an effective ad. No one wants to clean their toilet, and everyone fears that damn brush.
The recent one by McDonald's where a family is all separated until they have McD's food and a movie to bring them together? Chills of gross down my spine.
Also, those awful Old Navy ads with the mannequins. They creep me out.
I guess they're doing their job right? I remember the commercials. But I'm much less likely to purchase anything from the last two I mentioned.
I guess that's what really offends me about commercial breaks:
They interrupt my shows
They make me forget what I was watching
90% of the time they are ineffective and I think I'm angry that people put out such terrible commercials- thinking that they will work.
I'm no expert on advertisement. In fact, I'm kind of bad at it (mostly because I'm too lazy to actually take care of it). But I do know enough about psychology and design to know what should be effective.
I guess it kind of offends me that people get paid to design crappy ads that, really, should not work. (Granted, the McD's one would probably work if I had children and was concerned about family bonding time.)
Anyway, I guess my point is that I really dislike commercials.
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