I've spent the last two days lazing around my dorm, watching movies and reading (there were a couple breaks where I was social and made my mom buy me dinner and went shopping for groceries- but those were very outweighed by internet time).
I've also been taking care of two fish: King Henry VIII and Merlin.
King Henry VIII!
Both of these fish are male bettas. And, damn, do they live up to their reputations. They are territorial. They run into the walls. They flip shit whenever I get too close to their tanks.
And they are deeply, deeply, in love. Or at least wish to be deeply, deeply in each others tanks.
Yes. I have warned the owners- though I did not ask permission to wax poetic about the big gay love their fish have for each other.
It's kind of a funny story, actually.
Their tanks were pushed fairly close together, and they kind of had a stand-off of sorts. They were doing the thing where their tails and fins just kind of flared up like they could really intimidate something they couldn't even touch just by showing off their pretty colors.
I had actually asked about this, since I knew bettas had the tendency to attack things near them. Both owners told me I wouldn't have to worry about it.
King Henry ran himself into the wall. Several times.
I was watching closely- not wanting to fail at the simple task of keeping two fish alive for four days (because, really, how pathetic could I possibly be?). Anyway, when I noticed he was literally running into walls, I pushed their tanks apart.
Then came the staring.
They stayed in the corners closest together- looking right at each other- for at least an hour. Merlin (ironically the "flamboyantly gay" betta in the small tank with large pink and purple jewels) finally moved from the corner, leaving King Henry to pine and stare longingly.
This was around 8pm Saturday and it's now 3am Monday. Since then, I've been checking periodically to make sure neither of the two fish is floating (the dead float- not the sleep one). 3 out of 5 times one of the two fish is looking at the other intently.
These two fish are completely enthralled with each other. It's hilarious to watch and even more hilarious to make commentary on.
Also- the cardboard cutout of Aragorn in my living room now looks like a Death Eater. I feel these summarize my weekend and pretty much outline exactly why I cannot be left alone for extended periods of time (read: more than two hours).
Most times I'm left alone I just wish that this kind of shit would go ahead and be discovered so I can become famous =P
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