Chairs aren't that special...we sit on them and sometimes fall asleep on them. Some people put their coats or blankets or purses on chairs, and others decide to have all kinds of disgusting public sex on them.
Long story short- chairs are just furniture that we do whatever the hell we want with.
But there are three chairs in my life that...well, are special.
I'll go by the order I "met" these chairs.
The first chair is the captain's seat of my family's pontoon. It's in "captain" style, meaning that it has a nice high back, a large cushion, and two armrests.
This chair is awesome and special because it allows me to pretend I'm piloting The Enterprise. (You know...the ship from Star Trek. ) It's epic! I get to sit there and be like "Engage!!!" And the controls are an actual throttle so I get to just be really cool. Obviously.
It's also pretty comfy.
The second chair is the recumbent exercise bike in my parents' basement.
This one is not comfortable at all. But the setup lets me pretend to be an X-Wing pilot. It has a screen in front and two racing bike handles. Basically I bike and make little laser noises or say things like "Captain Skywalker, my fuel is low- can't make it back to the rendezvous point! I'm gonna have to make a crash-landing on the second moon of Hoth 6."
Don't judge me.
The last chair is what I happily refer to as "chair!bed." It's a low, square chair that pulls out into a mattress. It's glorious.
This chair is awesome because when I pull it out and put my TV pillow to supplement the back, I get to recline in it like I'm a queen in a throne.
Basically, things that enhance my ability to live in a fantasy world and not pay attention to reality are awesome.
And these three chairs win.
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