The radio knew what I was doing, apparently, and immediately began talking about Jared Padalecki and "the guy who was in Days of Our Lives, whatever his name is." Clearly they're big fans who understand how ridiculed Jensen is by his cast mates.
So at that point I'm like:
Because I'm fairly certain the only reason they would say that is if they were paid to. ...Or else they're massive fans.
Anyway, I woke up around 3 and finished Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian. (WHICH I LOVED. Rick Riordan is one of my favorite people right now.)
Around this time, my roommates were both around and we spent about a half hour thoroughly amusing ourselves by piling onto one of our beds and mocking each other.
We then decided that, instead of making ourselves good, informed, people via a serious discussion about arts by Colum McCann, we would order pizza (which we neither need nor deserve) and watch Supernatural.
We ended up watching the more interesting episodes (read: the ones with enough hilarity and gay that made the other episodes worth it).
I love it. SO. MUCH. I watched like...four or five episodes before work. Which is where I'm at now. Working. :(
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