Ok, here's where I show how pathetic my life is.
In Supernatural, there are "vessels"- these are people who angels can possess. The rule seems to follow a bloodline, so not everyone can be a vessel.
Last night, Bobbie and I were discussing the physical problems associated with being a vessel. The physical body doesn't get fed, it doesn't bathe, it doesn't get to sleep.
We've seen that the actual humans are hungry once the angel leaves them. And we've seen that their minds can, essentially, be melted by the angel within.
They're left hungry, mindless, and generally soulless.
Much like college students!
We kind of coast through life on auto-pilot, our bodies functioning on next-to-no sleep, food, or social interaction.
That being said, sometimes I wonder why none of the vessels appear to be college students. I mean, there's Adam. He's a college student. Sam was a college student when this all started...
But most of the vessels are ones with like...lives and families and stuff. (My overly-analytical mind takes this to have a greater meaning about how war divides families and ruins lives and just a general anti-involvement statement...but then I figure that I'm thinking about it too much.)
Anyway, I guess my point is that college students and vessels are actually very impressive based on the poor way their bodies are maintained.
And compared to the trials of graduate school based on how much food and sleep you have to survive on, college is like kindergarten.
No sleep. No time for food. No downtime.
In the end, we're all just empty shells waiting for a time when we get to have a real life once again.
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