We're three college females in our twenties...and we bring up Justin Bieber practically every day.
We don't listen to his music. We don't go out of our way to be exposed to him. Somehow...it just happened.
(I'm going to blame this one on Misha Collins and his "I <3 Justin Bieber" shirt, actually.)
Anyway, we have been discussing the Justin Bieber movie, Never Say Never, since we first saw previews for it. Mostly, we've been discussing whether or not we would go to it in a regular theater or wait for it to go to the cheap seats (I'd much rather pay $3 than $9 to see this movie, alright?).
We've also been endlessly amused/frustrated with his popularity and morals. Of course, it's hilarious when people make fun of him for looking and sounding like a girl; but then there's the fact that he spends $750 for a haircut every two weeks, believes that homosexuality is a choice, and thinks that abortion is flat-out wrong.
Whatever, people can believe what they want to believe- and he's only 16 or some nonsensical age like that, he'll learn.
But last night our, apparently, undying love for Biebs was revealed when my cousin posted this on her Facebook wall:
It's completely acceptable for her to have posted this, she's 12.
However, immediately after seeing it, I too posted it on my profile. (It's actually a series of five pictures. When you tag yourself in all of them it creates a banner where your first five images should be.)
It basically entertained us for an hour. We were making crappy jokes about being BBFs (Best Bieber Friends- because of course people who share this horrendous banner would have to come up with something as ridiculous as that), and seeing the movie in theaters because we have to see it on the BIG SCREEN!!!
Apparently, we find Justin Bieber endlessly entertaining and actually love him.
Who knew?
Also, this is one of my roommies' favorite sites:
Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber
Also also, though I'm not a lesbian, we decided to take pictures of me dressed like him because I- shamefully- had a haircut that allowed the comparison to be made.
(Note: we did this in January before we knew we loved him...)
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