Why I have a blog...

There are two goals in mind for this blog:
1.In the style of Allie Brosh (hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com), I'm hoping that I can simply become famous before I graduate so I never have to decide on a real career.
2. Let's prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory right! If you like what I write, tell a friend, and have them tell a friend, until all the friends everywhere have been notified.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My New Love

Since all I really talk about on here is television and food, I'm going to tell you all about a fabulous new show on Syfy...

Being Human!

Now, it's a remake of a BBC series of the same name, but I hear that fans of the original series aren't disappointed by the newer version.

It actually sounds like the beginning of a bad joke: A ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf all live together; essentially playing house.

And by "playing house" I mean that they are trying to be "normal."

(Personally, I don't think anyone cares or knows what the f*** "normal" is. But I could probably rant about that so we'll see where that takes me another day.)

Anyway, so there's this ghost (Sally), a vampire (Aidan), and a werewolf (Josh).

Sally is super smart, and misses her fiancee. Aidan is hot and sexy and basically on vampire rehab. Josh...he's just adorable.

Of course, like any good drama, they all have super sad back-stories, heartbreak, and some other awful things (obviously they're kind of unfortunate as two of them are dead and one has a terrible monthly situation.

Now, I'm not entirely sure the best way to explain my love for this show. It's a lot like my love for Modern Family, except that the "family" are all supernatural creatures. (Also, can I laugh about my obsession with families and the supernatural? Seriously...I need help.)

Being Human definitely makes Mondays worthwhile. I mean...I actually look forward to Mondays now...Mondays, those horrendous days that I have to go to my pathetic capstone.

Except that starting next week Mondays are going to be fantastic- I'm going to be learning to scuba-dive!

(I feel that scuba-diving is a skill that will be really useful...for what I don't know. But if I somehow manage to become a famous writer I'm definitely attacking my dream job of working for National Geographic. They might need me to scuba...right?)

So yeah, if you start reading more about dear Josh, Aidan, and Sally, it's because I'm in love with this show!

And since I want them to get another season, you (yes you, reader! I know there's at least one of you!) should watch it! Mondays 8 and 10 central time on Syfy!


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