Of course, I'm not going to tell you all about that.
Instead, I'm going to tell you about why the latest episode both makes me squeal like the fangirl I am.
BUT! Before I do that I have to rave about my new roommate:
It's a stuffed animal of the Ebola virus.
Now, it's sad really, how much I love this little guy already. I've always had a relatively...unhealthy obsession with the Ebola virus. You can't see it, but it's one of the simplest little things, and super freaking tiny.
And yet...it has the ability to cause one to bleed from every orifice on their body!
Like most viruses, it begins so simple. You feel nauseous, you have a fever, you have some stomach pain...and then BAM! You will most likely die.
(Someone recently mentioned the potential for the flu virus and the Ebola virus to like...breed and create an airborne version of Ebola- this is terrifying!)
So just a little shout-out to my friend Chelsea who gave that to me for no apparent reason. (She's currently writing a "Hey! I'm traveling around and being awesome about it!" blog you can find here.)
Alright, onto the real stuff.
Ok, technically only a little of this could be considered a spoiler- but whatevs. In the interest of complete disclosure, you've been warned.
Last night was full of laughter and loud shrieks- only part of which was influenced by alcohol and random poking.
Sam FINALLY got his soul back! And it was almost everything I could have hoped for. The endearing puppy-dog pouting, the wonderful compassion he brings to their little team, THE HUGS!!!
The only thing that could have possibly made Sam's actual reunion with Dean better would be giving him his amulet (IMO THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN- I seriously have an obsession with that necklace).
But poor Bobby! I hate that they would add that horrible barrier between them. We already know Dean is Bobby's favorite! There's no need to rub salt in that wound!
And then Cas. Dear, dear Cas. First off, I'm glad you're telling Dean how it is, now. You guys keep up those reality checks!
Next, thanks so much for attempting to hug Sam! I was shrieking in delight at the sincerity/hilarity of the situation. Because, yeah, Cas could really use a hug I'm sure. And the non-hug almost made me cry, except that they claim it would be "awkward" and just kind of leave it at that.
(The slash fan in me is screaming that Dean is totally giving Cas hugging lessons. And "it would be awkward" to hug Sam because they both know how oddly protective/possessive Dean is. And Sam can't risk being caught hugging his big bro's bf. Yes?)
But shame!face that you spilled the beans about Sam's soul. Why wouldn't they tell him, of course, that's just sad. But I'm glad you appear to realize that Sam did not, in fact, know.
(Sorry, Cas, you know you're sleeping on the couch tonight. But maybe Dean will hug you if you tell him Sam wouldn't?)
Aside from all the glorious emotional drivel, there are a few things that literally made me bounce in my seat.
They mention: World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and the Neverending Story!
I cannot tell you how delighted my inner nerd is!
Also, Dean should totally read out of girl's diaries some more- I loved that Sam said it was weird hearing him say something about "giving his most precious gift" to "Brent." (Please let it be known that this was also definitely on Sam's mind when he didn't hug Cas- it was not just fear of Big Brother.)
Also, also, Dean, please explode more priceless artifacts after they pwn your ass. Seriously? Why the hell did you start carrying C-4 around with you?
Dear Dragon-Slaying Sword: I <3 you FOREVER for being so difficult while having epic music. It made Dean's failure that much more enjoyable.
Now a side-note: I don't think the writers know where the f*** they want to take this.
It's like they're horrified that they need a plot that will last into the next season (because it seems like they're getting one), and need to keep developing characters (read: we're just living by the whole "one step forward; two steps back" trope but instead it's more like 5,000 steps back).
...you make me sad.
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