So, at about 12:20 this morning I came up with the idea for today's post.
It's New Year's Eve in case you missed that, meaning I should do something to sum up the year.
There's really only one proper way for me to do this.
Now, at the end of April, I watched seasons 2-5 of Supernatural. It's pretty much consumed my year since.
Nevermind that I was fortunate enough to travel to Norway and Spain this year, and do some amazing things while there. I truly enjoyed my time in those countries and keep my experiences close to my heart.
But, ultimately, recapping season five in my own special way seems most appropriate.
If you haven't seen all of season five, read with caution. (Just in case.)
And, just so it stays in context, here is the exact way the MSN conversation went:
Me says
im making my parents watch SPN tomorrow if we dont go to the lake
they should be on season 5 episode three by now =P
which means....cas!!!!
and then sad cas!!!
Bobbie says
lol yay!
Me says
and then jesse!!!
(or is he six?)
Bobbie says
ah so much good in season 5
Me says
i think paris hilton is next actually...
then jesse
Bobbie says
they should like that one right?
Me says
XD probably....
plastic cas!
then...dead people?
i think?
Bobbie says
lol you'd remember better than me
Me says
to be more specific
then gabriel!!!!
that smiley creeps me out
and then the convention!!!
and then jo and ellen die
which is sad
but crowley!
then theres some emoing
episodes i really dont care about
though sam, interrupted is alright
and then sad trip to heaven and zachariah being a dick
and anna dies
and then
the episode
of d00m and OOCness
and decisions made while OOC that they are then stuck with
then cas!
being badass
and epic
then gabriel dies
and then theres more angsting
and horsemen
(lol i skipped my favorite episode because ultimately its not important to plot aside from there being a horseman)
Bobbie says
XD you are so funny
Me says
i like my bloody valentine...
i didnt get to finish!
i only have three episodes left!
and then cas comes back and he and dean have moments
but cas is human
and thus feels pathetic
but bobby kicks his butt verbally as he usually does
and cas is all like "guns can be useful" but what hes really saying is that he feels he can be useful!
and while thats happening dean is on his date with crowley but they pull a bait-n-switch and he ends up eating pizza with death
who is epic!!!
and then sammy drinks lots of demon blood and makes dean make stupid promises
and cas and bobby go *splooschqueire*
Bobbie says
Me says
then dean looks unattractive
until cas comes back and fixes him up
before flying off because he knows if he sees lisa he's gonna roast-a-bitch
Bobbie says
Me says
and then kripke is a bastard
and is all "this is my ending and i am god!!!"
and we're all like "...kthnxbai...oh wait theres a season 6, fucking a"
and here we are
Bobbie says
I'm going to copy and paste this somewhere with the title: Highlights of Supernatural according to Maddi
Ok, so it was actually Bobbie's idea. But I had the idea to put it on my blog!
...And yes, I do type that way when I don't think anyone other than the person I'm typing to is going to read it.
Mostly observations, sometimes a good anecdote, maybe just a general journal entry, whatever runs through my mind when I sit down at my computer when I'm left alone (or when I'm walking to class).
Why I have a blog...
There are two goals in mind for this blog:
1.In the style of Allie Brosh (, I'm hoping that I can simply become famous before I graduate so I never have to decide on a real career.
2. Let's prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory right! If you like what I write, tell a friend, and have them tell a friend, until all the friends everywhere have been notified.
1.In the style of Allie Brosh (, I'm hoping that I can simply become famous before I graduate so I never have to decide on a real career.
2. Let's prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory right! If you like what I write, tell a friend, and have them tell a friend, until all the friends everywhere have been notified.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Anxiety...I has it
Alright, so I like to think of this as "I have a warrior's spirit" rather than "I have paranoia to freakish levels."
I am pretty much always ready for a fight.
Considering that I grew up in a city where your biggest crime potential is larceny, I have next to no reason to be paranoid about anything. (Though our rape risk is a little high...must be the two colleges.)
Anyway, I have a few habits that really exemplify the level of paranoia I have:
*I always sit in corners that allow me to view a room best. If I don't get the corner spot and I have my back to the room? I spend the entire meal looking over my shoulder and twitching.
*If I'm the first one back to my dorm/house, I do a quick run-through and make sure no one is hiding there.
*I keep some form of weapon by my bed. (My pillow throw is deadly!)
These are just a few habits. Some of my actual reactions to "surprise" situations have been...interesting.
Last week- the inspiration for this post- I was on my couch with a pillow. I had turned my head to look down the hall at something and ran into something. I shrieked and almost hit the thing with my book. ...It was my pillow. Apparently it was lying vertical rather than horizontal...and it freaked me out.
Seriously, I turned and thought someone was standing there! It was terrifying. Then I felt really silly when I realized that it was my pillow...
And then last night I was alone in the dorm again. I was on my couch and, suddenly, all of the power in the dorm went out!
The lights, the tv, everything.
It came on almost immediately after, but the tv came back on and went straight back to playing the DVD.
Then I heard something weird coming from my roommate's roommate's room where our breakers are located.
I grabbed the nearest object and crept to the door.
There was nothing in there, of course, it was just her printer starting up after the power came back on.
So yes...I think I'm a little too paranoid.
But at least I'll survive the zombie apocalypse!
I am pretty much always ready for a fight.
Considering that I grew up in a city where your biggest crime potential is larceny, I have next to no reason to be paranoid about anything. (Though our rape risk is a little high...must be the two colleges.)
Anyway, I have a few habits that really exemplify the level of paranoia I have:
*I always sit in corners that allow me to view a room best. If I don't get the corner spot and I have my back to the room? I spend the entire meal looking over my shoulder and twitching.
*If I'm the first one back to my dorm/house, I do a quick run-through and make sure no one is hiding there.
*I keep some form of weapon by my bed. (My pillow throw is deadly!)
These are just a few habits. Some of my actual reactions to "surprise" situations have been...interesting.
Last week- the inspiration for this post- I was on my couch with a pillow. I had turned my head to look down the hall at something and ran into something. I shrieked and almost hit the thing with my book. ...It was my pillow. Apparently it was lying vertical rather than horizontal...and it freaked me out.
Seriously, I turned and thought someone was standing there! It was terrifying. Then I felt really silly when I realized that it was my pillow...
And then last night I was alone in the dorm again. I was on my couch and, suddenly, all of the power in the dorm went out!
The lights, the tv, everything.
It came on almost immediately after, but the tv came back on and went straight back to playing the DVD.
Then I heard something weird coming from my roommate's roommate's room where our breakers are located.
I grabbed the nearest object and crept to the door.
There was nothing in there, of course, it was just her printer starting up after the power came back on.
So yes...I think I'm a little too paranoid.
But at least I'll survive the zombie apocalypse!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Worst of Chores
I hate grocery shopping. It's awful.
No one likes it, but everyone has to do it. It draws up resentment and baser instincts.
It's either you, or them, so you push your metal cart around without looking and without caring because that last gallon of skim milk that expires a whole two weeks from now is yours dammit!
That, or you just sit there staring at two identical products, blocking the aisle with your cart and just generally annoying people.
It's unfortunate that groceries are a necessity. It's also unfortunate that ordering food online is kind of awkward and leads to incorrect items and things- otherwise I would probably do all my ordering like that.
Shopping for food is just frustrating! You have to go out and deal with people who are in the zone, on a mission. Get in, get the food, get out.
We all have the same objective, but we get really focused on our own groceries.
It gets even worse if you need some obscure item. Like today I needed bacon bits. That's not too difficult, right? Except that it is. Bacon bits are kept by salad things. Not meat things.
But the rewards of shopping are great. Cooking and eating win...forever!
No one likes it, but everyone has to do it. It draws up resentment and baser instincts.
It's either you, or them, so you push your metal cart around without looking and without caring because that last gallon of skim milk that expires a whole two weeks from now is yours dammit!
That, or you just sit there staring at two identical products, blocking the aisle with your cart and just generally annoying people.
It's unfortunate that groceries are a necessity. It's also unfortunate that ordering food online is kind of awkward and leads to incorrect items and things- otherwise I would probably do all my ordering like that.
Shopping for food is just frustrating! You have to go out and deal with people who are in the zone, on a mission. Get in, get the food, get out.
We all have the same objective, but we get really focused on our own groceries.
It gets even worse if you need some obscure item. Like today I needed bacon bits. That's not too difficult, right? Except that it is. Bacon bits are kept by salad things. Not meat things.
But the rewards of shopping are great. Cooking and eating win...forever!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Lord of the Rings
Every year I try to marathon The Lord of the Rings- preferably the extended editions.
Now, I really appreciate the actual book and have read it several times. But there's something about these movies that's just...wonderful.
I was in seventh grade when the first one (Fellowship) came out. The series pretty much ruled my life through tenth grade (though the Harry Potter series managed to break through whenever a new book or movie was released).
Now, why the extended editions? Most people think the theatrical releases were painful enough at just under three hours for the first two and three-and-a-half hours for the last one. I think it's summed up best in Clerks 2: the first one is all walking, the second one is walking with a little bit of tripping on a pothole, and the third one is walking until they throw the ring away.
I laugh every time I see that part because I disagree so completely while it's actually kind of true.
Anyway, I never had a problem with the length of the movie (aside from needing to run to the bathroom twice if I had too much pop).
Oh God, Merry and Pippin!!!! Sometimes I forget how much I love these movies.
There's just something about the extended versions that add the poetic aspect of the books. It's pretty much the reason people stop reading the books- they can't stand the pages of verse. But it's lovely and shows the wonderful softness of Middle Earth rather than the harsh wartime feelings.
That's kind of the point right? It's a gigantic anti-war, believe in yourself, depend on your friends, and for the love of all things ignore your selfish desires tale of caution?
I kind of love it.
Now, I really appreciate the actual book and have read it several times. But there's something about these movies that's just...wonderful.
I was in seventh grade when the first one (Fellowship) came out. The series pretty much ruled my life through tenth grade (though the Harry Potter series managed to break through whenever a new book or movie was released).
Now, why the extended editions? Most people think the theatrical releases were painful enough at just under three hours for the first two and three-and-a-half hours for the last one. I think it's summed up best in Clerks 2: the first one is all walking, the second one is walking with a little bit of tripping on a pothole, and the third one is walking until they throw the ring away.
I laugh every time I see that part because I disagree so completely while it's actually kind of true.
Anyway, I never had a problem with the length of the movie (aside from needing to run to the bathroom twice if I had too much pop).
Oh God, Merry and Pippin!!!! Sometimes I forget how much I love these movies.
There's just something about the extended versions that add the poetic aspect of the books. It's pretty much the reason people stop reading the books- they can't stand the pages of verse. But it's lovely and shows the wonderful softness of Middle Earth rather than the harsh wartime feelings.
That's kind of the point right? It's a gigantic anti-war, believe in yourself, depend on your friends, and for the love of all things ignore your selfish desires tale of caution?
I kind of love it.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Lie to me...I dare you
I got season one of Lie to Me for Christmas. I think it's one of the most epic shows I've ever seen.
Seriously, it's like the best soap opera ever. Each episode is nearly identical, they mention the same concepts but shake it up a little.
It's a lot like House in that the main character's existence is basically defined by the fact that everybody lies.
The main character is capable of reading facial expressions to the point of practically reading their minds.
And he's just an asshole about it! It's excellent! he's not going to just sit around and deal with bullshit- it's the reason he went through the process of learning to read people as impressively as he does.
Also, I enjoy it for the Lols of the main character being Tim Roth. I like this role much better than the slimy Archibald Cunningham (of course he's been in other things...but I tend to watch Rob Roy more than any of those).
Anyway, I enjoy playing the game along with them. It's not difficult, but it lets me feel smart. Finally my plot-busting abilities are useful!
I also like that they keep showing well-known pictures of public figures making these ridiculous faces.
I keep thinking what it would be like to see all of that shit.
Of course, we all assume that everyone has lied to us about something at some time. But what would it be like to be able to tell each and every time someone is lying?
And now that's what I'll be working on: Perfecting my lying abilities so to better avoid being caught!
Seriously, it's like the best soap opera ever. Each episode is nearly identical, they mention the same concepts but shake it up a little.
It's a lot like House in that the main character's existence is basically defined by the fact that everybody lies.
The main character is capable of reading facial expressions to the point of practically reading their minds.
And he's just an asshole about it! It's excellent! he's not going to just sit around and deal with bullshit- it's the reason he went through the process of learning to read people as impressively as he does.
Also, I enjoy it for the Lols of the main character being Tim Roth. I like this role much better than the slimy Archibald Cunningham (of course he's been in other things...but I tend to watch Rob Roy more than any of those).
Anyway, I enjoy playing the game along with them. It's not difficult, but it lets me feel smart. Finally my plot-busting abilities are useful!
I also like that they keep showing well-known pictures of public figures making these ridiculous faces.
I keep thinking what it would be like to see all of that shit.
Of course, we all assume that everyone has lied to us about something at some time. But what would it be like to be able to tell each and every time someone is lying?
And now that's what I'll be working on: Perfecting my lying abilities so to better avoid being caught!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Celebrity Crushes
After Bobbie and my brilliant sociological breakthrough "Chutes and Ladders," we tried to find some actual applications for this. That's how we ended up analyzing ourselves- particularly our affinity for celebrity crushes.
America is kind of obsessed with celebrities. No, really. We are. And...honestly? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Sure, they're attractive.
We get to watch them do things the average person would never even dream of doing (you know, like getting married while sky-diving and other such nonsense).
And we get to be voyeurs into their lives.
We love being involved in other peoples shit because we don't want to deal with our own.
But, in general, they will never love/care about us back.
So, we decided that celebrity crushes are a glorious mix between chutes and ladders. You take an initial chute (i.e. Misha Collins is f***ing amazing, or Chris Colfer is adorable), and then no matter how many ladders you might try and take...there's no hope. That chute is forever going to influence every ladder you take.
Sure, you might be able to learn more things...but they're just going to enforce it! The chute is like that damn red sock tinting all your white undies and socks a horrendous shade of pink. And you just take it. Because all it's doing is adding to your insane love of a person you've never met.
And if you have met them, [insert deity of choice here] help you! They could probably pee on your face and you would find it amusing...possibly even like it.
In conclusion, celebrity crushes defy all rationale and are probably going to be the downfall of the human race.
America is kind of obsessed with celebrities. No, really. We are. And...honestly? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Sure, they're attractive.
We get to watch them do things the average person would never even dream of doing (you know, like getting married while sky-diving and other such nonsense).
And we get to be voyeurs into their lives.
We love being involved in other peoples shit because we don't want to deal with our own.
But, in general, they will never love/care about us back.
So, we decided that celebrity crushes are a glorious mix between chutes and ladders. You take an initial chute (i.e. Misha Collins is f***ing amazing, or Chris Colfer is adorable), and then no matter how many ladders you might try and take...there's no hope. That chute is forever going to influence every ladder you take.
Sure, you might be able to learn more things...but they're just going to enforce it! The chute is like that damn red sock tinting all your white undies and socks a horrendous shade of pink. And you just take it. Because all it's doing is adding to your insane love of a person you've never met.
And if you have met them, [insert deity of choice here] help you! They could probably pee on your face and you would find it amusing...possibly even like it.
In conclusion, celebrity crushes defy all rationale and are probably going to be the downfall of the human race.
Friday, December 24, 2010
What Christmas means to me...
Alright, so I'm going to skip posting tomorrow and just blanket post about Christmas Eve and Christmas!
Christmas is kind of awesome. It's my favorite time of year by far.
As emo as it may sound, it's the one time of year that I am legitimately happy all the time.
I like snow, and it's always around.
I like Christmas lights, they just kind of feel magical.
And I really like getting presents for people. It's the one time of year I can do that and they don't feel awkward.
But all of that is the superficial stuff. And that's really not why I enjoy Christmas so much- it's just a sort of icing on the cake (or more, the whipped cream to my pie as I dislike both icing and cake).
Christmas is a wonderful time of year because I get to spend it with my family. I love them all and we always have a spectacular time. It's even better now that they accept me for the weirdo I am! (Just kidding, I know you guys don't care that I'm weird.)
It's also one of the few times of year I get to hang out with several of my friends from high school. We all kind of went separate ways but we come back together again for fun times (and generally ridiculous movies!).
I enjoy the idea of "good will toward all men," and I hope that everyone goes the extra mile at least around Christmas!
And if you don't celebrate Christmas, then happy holidays!
It's just a wonderful, magical time of year. :D
Christmas is kind of awesome. It's my favorite time of year by far.
As emo as it may sound, it's the one time of year that I am legitimately happy all the time.
I like snow, and it's always around.
I like Christmas lights, they just kind of feel magical.
And I really like getting presents for people. It's the one time of year I can do that and they don't feel awkward.
But all of that is the superficial stuff. And that's really not why I enjoy Christmas so much- it's just a sort of icing on the cake (or more, the whipped cream to my pie as I dislike both icing and cake).
Christmas is a wonderful time of year because I get to spend it with my family. I love them all and we always have a spectacular time. It's even better now that they accept me for the weirdo I am! (Just kidding, I know you guys don't care that I'm weird.)
It's also one of the few times of year I get to hang out with several of my friends from high school. We all kind of went separate ways but we come back together again for fun times (and generally ridiculous movies!).
I enjoy the idea of "good will toward all men," and I hope that everyone goes the extra mile at least around Christmas!
And if you don't celebrate Christmas, then happy holidays!
It's just a wonderful, magical time of year. :D
Thursday, December 23, 2010
My Quest
So, for the last few months (years) I've been having this huge identity crisis of sorts. It's something everyone goes through. If you haven't done anything and have no life plan by the time you're're f***ed.
It's one of those weird things, we kind of expect too much of ourselves.
Anyway, shortly after final exams this semester, my roommate and I were carefully avoiding the topic of "the future" because it sends both of us into panic attacks.
We have enough trouble living through today! Let alone trying to figure out tomorrow or the rest of our lives!
But there's one consistent..theme that runs ours lives: GLBT rights and toleration.
We love these people! Most of our friend group falls into this category.
So, with the repeal of DADT fresh in mind, we've decided that it is time for us to take a stand for what we believe in. We will be crusaders...and go knock some sense into the world dammit!
That is our quest: to rid the US of stupid prejudices and expose the next generation to a mentality of acceptance.
Our lives are complicated enough without this kind of bullshit dividing our species. So here we are! Hoping to educate the future so they don't make the same mistakes we are :)
It's one of those weird things, we kind of expect too much of ourselves.
Anyway, shortly after final exams this semester, my roommate and I were carefully avoiding the topic of "the future" because it sends both of us into panic attacks.
We have enough trouble living through today! Let alone trying to figure out tomorrow or the rest of our lives!
But there's one consistent..theme that runs ours lives: GLBT rights and toleration.
We love these people! Most of our friend group falls into this category.
So, with the repeal of DADT fresh in mind, we've decided that it is time for us to take a stand for what we believe in. We will be crusaders...and go knock some sense into the world dammit!
That is our quest: to rid the US of stupid prejudices and expose the next generation to a mentality of acceptance.
Our lives are complicated enough without this kind of bullshit dividing our species. So here we are! Hoping to educate the future so they don't make the same mistakes we are :)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Chutes and Ladders
My roommate (Bobbie) and I often end up staying up late when we're supposed to be writing papers. Generally, 2am is when my genius is at its highest.
One time in particular, we came up with a theory for stereotyping: Chutes and Ladders.
It's a classic childhood game, where you either advance by going up ladders or fail miserably by sliding down chutes. (Let's ignore that, in real life, going down the slide is more fun than climbing up.)
Like in the game, you can either take the gradual steps necessary to truly learn who someone is; or you can plummet quickly into a preconceived notion.
The chutes are stereotypes- when someone takes some facet of another person and groups them together. They take this immediate one-way slide and they're probably going to give up because the ladder is four goddamn spaces away and there are already two people one ladder away from the top.
Then there are the ladders.
We tried really hard to define how ladders work...we ended up using a computer analogy. There's a drive, then directories, then your folders, and folders within folders, and that unfortunate zipped folder that's labeled something like "Profit Margins 1996" but is actually porn, and then the files.
You start by defining them by gender, then maybe their clothing/accessories, then their physical qualities, their major, their minor, their job, and so on until, finally, you reach what is ultimately that person.
So often, we're willing to stop at even that second or third level- all the superficial crap.
We see a girl with glasses and assume she's a nerd who likes to read.
Maybe there's a boy wearing purple or pink- of course one assumes he's gay.
Hot blonde chicks wearing tight clothes are cheerleaders.
Fat boy with acne works at McDonald's and plays D&D three nights a week and World of Warcraft the other four.
The list is endless...but none of it is necessarily true. Sure, some of the time it might fit. But none of that really tells you anything about that person All it tells you is one, maybe two more levels into who that person is.
The great part about all this? It means that we can overcome stereotypes. We just need to move those four spaces and hop on the ladder again. It's not the Game of Life where reaching the end fastest is the only way to win. It's Real Life, where reaching the end is all that matters.
One of my favorite quotes "It's gotta be the goin' there, not the gettin' there that's good." (Harry Chapin, "Greyhound") really applies to this. It's not about "knowing" someone quickly; it has to be about getting to know someone and how you go about doing that.
One time in particular, we came up with a theory for stereotyping: Chutes and Ladders.
It's a classic childhood game, where you either advance by going up ladders or fail miserably by sliding down chutes. (Let's ignore that, in real life, going down the slide is more fun than climbing up.)
Like in the game, you can either take the gradual steps necessary to truly learn who someone is; or you can plummet quickly into a preconceived notion.
The chutes are stereotypes- when someone takes some facet of another person and groups them together. They take this immediate one-way slide and they're probably going to give up because the ladder is four goddamn spaces away and there are already two people one ladder away from the top.
Then there are the ladders.
We tried really hard to define how ladders work...we ended up using a computer analogy. There's a drive, then directories, then your folders, and folders within folders, and that unfortunate zipped folder that's labeled something like "Profit Margins 1996" but is actually porn, and then the files.
You start by defining them by gender, then maybe their clothing/accessories, then their physical qualities, their major, their minor, their job, and so on until, finally, you reach what is ultimately that person.
So often, we're willing to stop at even that second or third level- all the superficial crap.
We see a girl with glasses and assume she's a nerd who likes to read.
Maybe there's a boy wearing purple or pink- of course one assumes he's gay.
Hot blonde chicks wearing tight clothes are cheerleaders.
Fat boy with acne works at McDonald's and plays D&D three nights a week and World of Warcraft the other four.
The list is endless...but none of it is necessarily true. Sure, some of the time it might fit. But none of that really tells you anything about that person All it tells you is one, maybe two more levels into who that person is.
The great part about all this? It means that we can overcome stereotypes. We just need to move those four spaces and hop on the ladder again. It's not the Game of Life where reaching the end fastest is the only way to win. It's Real Life, where reaching the end is all that matters.
One of my favorite quotes "It's gotta be the goin' there, not the gettin' there that's good." (Harry Chapin, "Greyhound") really applies to this. It's not about "knowing" someone quickly; it has to be about getting to know someone and how you go about doing that.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Nouns as verbs
I think using nouns as verbs is probably my favorite thing ever. And I'm really glad the show My Boys touches on it.
One of the more satisfying moments of my day is when I get to say things like "I'm going to internet for a while," or "Nah, I'm just gonna Facebook."
So, I think that all nouns should probably become verbs.
DVD can replace "watch a movie,"
Becca can replace "hang out with Becca,"
Spanish can replace "Going to Spanish class/ Speak in Spanish/ talk to someone from Spain/ go to Spain."
Anyway, I really like cutting down words like that. I enjoy that I can be that lazy and it just makes the lazy epic.
One of the more satisfying moments of my day is when I get to say things like "I'm going to internet for a while," or "Nah, I'm just gonna Facebook."
So, I think that all nouns should probably become verbs.
DVD can replace "watch a movie,"
Becca can replace "hang out with Becca,"
Spanish can replace "Going to Spanish class/ Speak in Spanish/ talk to someone from Spain/ go to Spain."
Anyway, I really like cutting down words like that. I enjoy that I can be that lazy and it just makes the lazy epic.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Wrapping Paper
Wrapping paper is kind of amazing.
No, seriously. It is.
It's good for many occasions- especially ones that require hiding things. Like presents!
Now, presents appear many times throughout the year:
Mothers/Fathers Day
April Fool's Day (ok, maybe not this one...but it would be kind of awesome to wrap something up in about 50 layers of wrapping paper only for it to be a rubber band ball...actually...a rubber band ball would probably be sweet anyway.)
My point is- presents are super serious business.
And opening things is so much fun!!
I think this is why I order so many things online...I love getting mail and I love opening things. Ordering from Amazon satisfies both of these loves.
But aside from doing its actual job, wrapping paper has another perk: the core.
Now, the environmental major in my wishes they would stop using these and just make tight wrapped paper rolls and not waste that stuff.
But the person that wants to have impromptu sword fights with the empty rolls really wants to buy a ton of wrapping paper and wrap shit just for the rolls.
It's loads of fun! It's not like they can seriously damage any of the party members, but it's still intense enough to satisfy any blood-lust competitors have.
...anyway. That's a little about why I love wrapping paper.
No, seriously. It is.
It's good for many occasions- especially ones that require hiding things. Like presents!
Now, presents appear many times throughout the year:
Mothers/Fathers Day
April Fool's Day (ok, maybe not this one...but it would be kind of awesome to wrap something up in about 50 layers of wrapping paper only for it to be a rubber band ball...actually...a rubber band ball would probably be sweet anyway.)
My point is- presents are super serious business.
And opening things is so much fun!!
I think this is why I order so many things online...I love getting mail and I love opening things. Ordering from Amazon satisfies both of these loves.
But aside from doing its actual job, wrapping paper has another perk: the core.
Now, the environmental major in my wishes they would stop using these and just make tight wrapped paper rolls and not waste that stuff.
But the person that wants to have impromptu sword fights with the empty rolls really wants to buy a ton of wrapping paper and wrap shit just for the rolls.
It's loads of fun! It's not like they can seriously damage any of the party members, but it's still intense enough to satisfy any blood-lust competitors have.
...anyway. That's a little about why I love wrapping paper.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I should have been an ed major
Probably not, actually. I don't really like the idea of trying to teach an entire classroom of students.
But I will admit that there's something infinitely satisfying about helping people figure things out and sharing information with them.
I decided that I should just get certified to do home school education and restart what the ancient Greek philosophers did- I'll just sit and talk to kids.
There's a reason that so many of the greatest minds of all time come from this age- they're reared on this idea of just thinking.
Reading, writing, math, science, philosophy, psychology- it's all fascinating and so many people ignore a lot of it.
There's something brilliant in the idea of sitting down one-on-one and encouraging a young mind to start thinking for itself.
Kids are a lot smarter than we really give them credit for- or at least more creative. I think it would be interesting to see what they could do given this kind of education.
Of course...that means more work for me to actually get certified. Because I'm sure no parent would be down for this kind of thing without an actual curriculum.
But I will admit that there's something infinitely satisfying about helping people figure things out and sharing information with them.
I decided that I should just get certified to do home school education and restart what the ancient Greek philosophers did- I'll just sit and talk to kids.
There's a reason that so many of the greatest minds of all time come from this age- they're reared on this idea of just thinking.
Reading, writing, math, science, philosophy, psychology- it's all fascinating and so many people ignore a lot of it.
There's something brilliant in the idea of sitting down one-on-one and encouraging a young mind to start thinking for itself.
Kids are a lot smarter than we really give them credit for- or at least more creative. I think it would be interesting to see what they could do given this kind of education.
Of course...that means more work for me to actually get certified. Because I'm sure no parent would be down for this kind of thing without an actual curriculum.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The Human Brain as a Computer (Or, Why Humans are Doomed to Fail)
Chaos. Nature likes it. It might not sound right, but it's true.
Nature also favors limitations. Every species has something that it's just not meant to be able to do.
Humans? We clearly don't get these concepts!
We have populated more of the planet than we're actually physically capable of living in, by sheer determination and willpower. We use resources to heat and cool and create ridiculous outfits to help us survive.
Good job!
Except that my real point is about the first fact- nature favors chaos.
So, we have all kinds of things today that are intended to maintain stability. Organizers, schedules, federal institutions like...laws and schools and other things that I've kind of ignored the last 16 or so years of my life.
Even our brain, a veritable squished lump of tissue, has found a highly organized comparison- to a computer.
(Side note- have you ever held a human brain? It's ridiculously heavy and squishy and kind of looks like someone tried to tie-dye a shirt and it went horribly wrong. Seriously. They're kind of gross.)
Regardless of it's misshapen awkwardness, the brain is compared to, arguably, the most important human creation since the wheel. It makes sense- our brains are electrically-based and keep different types of information in their designated areas.
Got a memory? Put it in "My Videos."
Got a reminder? Put it on a post-it note.
Got a picture? We have a "My Pictures" folder preloaded and ready to go!
We're obsessed with organization and levels. We feel a compulsion to break everything down to its most basic component.
As if the concept of things existing was too easy, it became a composition of elements; elements are atoms. And thank what you will that atoms can be divided even further! Life needed to know that protons existed- really.
This has extended to all of society! We use Platonic forms (you know, that handy general idea of what something should be like) to code everything.
I think the fact that humans go against these basic principles shows how badly we're doomed to fail as a species. Up to this point we've done pretty well for ourselves...but nature will always find a way to kick our asses back to that fine line between stability and chaos.
And we're so far from that line right now that we will probably, literally, be thrown back into the stone ages.
Nature also favors limitations. Every species has something that it's just not meant to be able to do.
Humans? We clearly don't get these concepts!
We have populated more of the planet than we're actually physically capable of living in, by sheer determination and willpower. We use resources to heat and cool and create ridiculous outfits to help us survive.
Good job!
Except that my real point is about the first fact- nature favors chaos.
So, we have all kinds of things today that are intended to maintain stability. Organizers, schedules, federal institutions like...laws and schools and other things that I've kind of ignored the last 16 or so years of my life.
Even our brain, a veritable squished lump of tissue, has found a highly organized comparison- to a computer.
(Side note- have you ever held a human brain? It's ridiculously heavy and squishy and kind of looks like someone tried to tie-dye a shirt and it went horribly wrong. Seriously. They're kind of gross.)
Regardless of it's misshapen awkwardness, the brain is compared to, arguably, the most important human creation since the wheel. It makes sense- our brains are electrically-based and keep different types of information in their designated areas.
Got a memory? Put it in "My Videos."
Got a reminder? Put it on a post-it note.
Got a picture? We have a "My Pictures" folder preloaded and ready to go!
We're obsessed with organization and levels. We feel a compulsion to break everything down to its most basic component.
As if the concept of things existing was too easy, it became a composition of elements; elements are atoms. And thank what you will that atoms can be divided even further! Life needed to know that protons existed- really.
This has extended to all of society! We use Platonic forms (you know, that handy general idea of what something should be like) to code everything.
I think the fact that humans go against these basic principles shows how badly we're doomed to fail as a species. Up to this point we've done pretty well for ourselves...but nature will always find a way to kick our asses back to that fine line between stability and chaos.
And we're so far from that line right now that we will probably, literally, be thrown back into the stone ages.
Friday, December 17, 2010
CSI: Concordia
December 17, 2010 4:20 PM
The Residence Life staff member, Carter, walked into Townhouse East 115 on a routine room inspection.
It should have been like any other day. Should being the key word.
He flipped the switch for the lights, letting the homey, yellow glow of the table lamps and Christmas lights fill the room.
A quick scan changed this from routine to absolutely bizarre.
There, in the center of the living room, was a body.
It was one of the residents, he'd had a religion class with her.

Disturbed, he moved closer, attempting to see if she had simply fallen asleep trying to cram for finals.
Of course, she hadn't.
He called the police and continued into the dorm. The kitchen was fine, clean, no signs of distress.
The hallway, however, contained another body!

Carter was horrified! He had no idea what to do so he locked the dorm and waited for the police.
Turns out the baked goods in the kitchen were actually poisoned. The fruity pebbles marshmallow treats contained a nearly untraceable poison.
The third roommate had already fled safely to Canada, she had no clue both of her roommates were now dead bodies decomposing.
The Residence Life staff member, Carter, walked into Townhouse East 115 on a routine room inspection.
It should have been like any other day. Should being the key word.
He flipped the switch for the lights, letting the homey, yellow glow of the table lamps and Christmas lights fill the room.
A quick scan changed this from routine to absolutely bizarre.
There, in the center of the living room, was a body.
It was one of the residents, he'd had a religion class with her.
Disturbed, he moved closer, attempting to see if she had simply fallen asleep trying to cram for finals.
Of course, she hadn't.
He called the police and continued into the dorm. The kitchen was fine, clean, no signs of distress.
The hallway, however, contained another body!
Carter was horrified! He had no idea what to do so he locked the dorm and waited for the police.
Turns out the baked goods in the kitchen were actually poisoned. The fruity pebbles marshmallow treats contained a nearly untraceable poison.
The third roommate had already fled safely to Canada, she had no clue both of her roommates were now dead bodies decomposing.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Stalker Photos
I love taking stalker photos! It's one of my guilty pleasures.
It all started when I randomly creeped on one of my roommates. I put the picture on the wall and a new era was born.
The stalking game.
We did whatever we could: looking up class schedules, creeping behind bushes, all of it.
We kept a tally of "creeper points" based on the quality and creepiness of the image.
It was an epic year. I loved walking into the dorm and trying to explain those pictures to random people.
And I gained some serious skillz! Really, they actually came in handy too:

How epically CIA is that?!
I needed a photo of this guy to show my friends how young he looks compared to his age. I hope he never actually sees this picture...that would be awkward.
It all started when I randomly creeped on one of my roommates. I put the picture on the wall and a new era was born.
The stalking game.
We did whatever we could: looking up class schedules, creeping behind bushes, all of it.
We kept a tally of "creeper points" based on the quality and creepiness of the image.
It was an epic year. I loved walking into the dorm and trying to explain those pictures to random people.
And I gained some serious skillz! Really, they actually came in handy too:
How epically CIA is that?!
I needed a photo of this guy to show my friends how young he looks compared to his age. I hope he never actually sees this picture...that would be awkward.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The College Conversation
You've all experienced it: those 15-30 second conversations that happen while friends are passing each other on a college campus.
Generally speaking, they go something like this.
[Student 1]: Hey! How's it going?
[Student 2]: Pretty good, how about you?
[Student 1]: Good!
Then they go their separate ways and pretty much forget they spoke to each other that day.
Unless they're actually friends and haven't said anything to each other that day.
[Student 1]: Hey! How's it going?
[Student 2]: Pretty good, how about you?
[Student 1]: Good! How are your classes?
[Student 2]: Fine, except my class with Professor A, he's such a dick! How about yours, any exams?
[Student 1]: Yeah, I have one on Wednesday and a paper due at midnight tomorrow and it has to be like 8 pages and I haven't even started yet.
[Student 2]: That sucks, well I'll talk to you later!
Around the point where Student 2 says "fine" they're no longer able to see each other without walking backwards; but that won't stop them! No. They need to display their close bond by yelling across campus.
What's with this compulsion to speak to everyone we know? Does it make us feel better about ourselves that we know people we see? Do we want the acknowledgment that people know who we are?
Of course, this might be a more local thing- someone once commented on the fact that we here at Concordia actually make eye contact and other campuses don't?
I dunno, I think it's weird.
Actually, I know it's weird- because I come from a family that has one minute phone conversations and I still find it weird.
Anyway, I guess my point is that it amuses me that there is a science to brief conversations that everyone on a college campus knows. I like it.
Generally speaking, they go something like this.
[Student 1]: Hey! How's it going?
[Student 2]: Pretty good, how about you?
[Student 1]: Good!
Then they go their separate ways and pretty much forget they spoke to each other that day.
Unless they're actually friends and haven't said anything to each other that day.
[Student 1]: Hey! How's it going?
[Student 2]: Pretty good, how about you?
[Student 1]: Good! How are your classes?
[Student 2]: Fine, except my class with Professor A, he's such a dick! How about yours, any exams?
[Student 1]: Yeah, I have one on Wednesday and a paper due at midnight tomorrow and it has to be like 8 pages and I haven't even started yet.
[Student 2]: That sucks, well I'll talk to you later!
Around the point where Student 2 says "fine" they're no longer able to see each other without walking backwards; but that won't stop them! No. They need to display their close bond by yelling across campus.
What's with this compulsion to speak to everyone we know? Does it make us feel better about ourselves that we know people we see? Do we want the acknowledgment that people know who we are?
Of course, this might be a more local thing- someone once commented on the fact that we here at Concordia actually make eye contact and other campuses don't?
I dunno, I think it's weird.
Actually, I know it's weird- because I come from a family that has one minute phone conversations and I still find it weird.
Anyway, I guess my point is that it amuses me that there is a science to brief conversations that everyone on a college campus knows. I like it.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The FIP (F*** It Point) is a dangerous turning point in the lives of students. It's the time where students decide they just can't do any more.
Some people last the whole year, others merely days.
I hit the FIP halfway through junior year of high school. I've somehow managed to fumble through senior year and all of college without giving a shit about anything school related.
I care just enough to finish all of my schoolwork. My roommates kind of hate this.
Regardless, this is a universal thresh hold. And should probably be recognized as a legitimate reason to not turn something in the day it is due.
That is all.
Some people last the whole year, others merely days.
I hit the FIP halfway through junior year of high school. I've somehow managed to fumble through senior year and all of college without giving a shit about anything school related.
I care just enough to finish all of my schoolwork. My roommates kind of hate this.
Regardless, this is a universal thresh hold. And should probably be recognized as a legitimate reason to not turn something in the day it is due.
That is all.
Monday, December 13, 2010
This is probably one of my favorite words. Ever.
I like that there is a word to describe the way "things should be."
I like even more that this word has basically been claimed by the gay community, and that slash fans use it whenever possible.
It's pretty much amazing.
Aside from that, I actually had a serious thing to post about today (and I will try to keep it brief).
My roommate, Bobbie, has been in a sort of quiet rage over the unsuccessful repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. (Many others are too, of course)
Now, I think a lot of us can agree that it's utterly stupid. This is a law that flat out discriminates against homosexuals in the military.
I can almost understand the logic behind DADT from a comfort standpoint. If we have men and women putting their lives on the line they shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable while, say, showering.
I get that it's awkward to think they might get checked out while showering. But, is that really the only thing these people can think of? Are they so focused on this potential issue that it consumes their thoughts? (If so, I think we need to discuss their mental health rather than their comfort.)
Isn't this just kind of denying the basic human right to exist as you are? Isn't this prohibiting gay and lesbian service peoples from calling their significant other and being able to share stories about them?
Article 1.
* All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2.
* Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 5.
* No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 7.
* All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 12.
* No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
These come from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 62 years old, remembered on December 10th each year.
Personally, I don't see how DADT doesn't oppose this. How does this give equal dignity? How is this not degrading punishment? How does this provide equal protection by the law? How is this not arbitrary interference?
And, for those that want to get snarky and say that the UDHR calls government the deciding body I say this to you:
Article 21
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government...
Article 30.
* Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
I don't really understand the issue here- the military is about serving and protecting. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
And yet, what DADT is saying is that sexuality DOES matter. That somehow, homosexuals are less fit to serve their country.
I can't wrap my mind around it. We were once a country that promised freedoms, that provided refuge from hardships.
Why are we so f***ing far behind on something this simple?
I like that there is a word to describe the way "things should be."
I like even more that this word has basically been claimed by the gay community, and that slash fans use it whenever possible.
It's pretty much amazing.
Aside from that, I actually had a serious thing to post about today (and I will try to keep it brief).
My roommate, Bobbie, has been in a sort of quiet rage over the unsuccessful repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. (Many others are too, of course)
Now, I think a lot of us can agree that it's utterly stupid. This is a law that flat out discriminates against homosexuals in the military.
I can almost understand the logic behind DADT from a comfort standpoint. If we have men and women putting their lives on the line they shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable while, say, showering.
I get that it's awkward to think they might get checked out while showering. But, is that really the only thing these people can think of? Are they so focused on this potential issue that it consumes their thoughts? (If so, I think we need to discuss their mental health rather than their comfort.)
Isn't this just kind of denying the basic human right to exist as you are? Isn't this prohibiting gay and lesbian service peoples from calling their significant other and being able to share stories about them?
Article 1.
* All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2.
* Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 5.
* No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 7.
* All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 12.
* No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
These come from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 62 years old, remembered on December 10th each year.
Personally, I don't see how DADT doesn't oppose this. How does this give equal dignity? How is this not degrading punishment? How does this provide equal protection by the law? How is this not arbitrary interference?
And, for those that want to get snarky and say that the UDHR calls government the deciding body I say this to you:
Article 21
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government...
Article 30.
* Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
I don't really understand the issue here- the military is about serving and protecting. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
And yet, what DADT is saying is that sexuality DOES matter. That somehow, homosexuals are less fit to serve their country.
I can't wrap my mind around it. We were once a country that promised freedoms, that provided refuge from hardships.
Why are we so f***ing far behind on something this simple?
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Laundry Day...Underthings Tumbling
First off- If you've never seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog you must. No, don't even try to fight me on this.
I can never decide if laundry day is my cathartic BFF or my arch-nemesis.
I really enjoy having fresh, clean, warm clothing. I also enjoy the feeling of accomplishment I get when I manage to prove that I'm capable of being responsible and adult-like.
There's nothing like pulling warm clothes out of the laundry and just kind of sticking your hands in the pile. The clothes smell nice because of your fabric softener or static sheets or your detergent...whatever, they just smell nice, OK?
Also, if you're a college student, you no longer have to exhaust your limited supply of "nice" clothes. (You all do it, I know you do. If you see a college student dressed nicely two days in a row you know they have to do laundry...or they're education majors.)
It's also a wonderful excuse to get out of doing shit:
*Have to go to a family function? Sorry- too busy, I have to do laundry.
*Trip to the bar with that one girl who gets ridiculously drunk and always vomits on everyone? Sorry- I have to do laundry.
*Homework to do? I have to do my laundry first, then I'll write that 15-page paper that's due in 12 hours.
So it's a wonderful escape tool. You can even watch TV while you're doing it and not feel guilty. It's not like it requires a lot of brain-power.
...but then you always have to fold the laundry. And you always lose something. Mostly socks.
I think laundry machines actually run on socks. Electricity is a lie. Cotton on the other hand? Capable of powering the entire world-grid with just one set of footie-pajamas.
It's really frustrating to lose socks.
I hate socks- they're confining and itchy, but I recognize the need for them to keep my shoes from smelling awful. Thus, when I lose them it upsets me. Mostly because then I have to go spend more money on something I dislike, especially since they were perfectly fine before going in the laundry machines.
So, that's why I can't decide how I really feel about laundry.
I can never decide if laundry day is my cathartic BFF or my arch-nemesis.
I really enjoy having fresh, clean, warm clothing. I also enjoy the feeling of accomplishment I get when I manage to prove that I'm capable of being responsible and adult-like.
There's nothing like pulling warm clothes out of the laundry and just kind of sticking your hands in the pile. The clothes smell nice because of your fabric softener or static sheets or your detergent...whatever, they just smell nice, OK?
Also, if you're a college student, you no longer have to exhaust your limited supply of "nice" clothes. (You all do it, I know you do. If you see a college student dressed nicely two days in a row you know they have to do laundry...or they're education majors.)
It's also a wonderful excuse to get out of doing shit:
*Have to go to a family function? Sorry- too busy, I have to do laundry.
*Trip to the bar with that one girl who gets ridiculously drunk and always vomits on everyone? Sorry- I have to do laundry.
*Homework to do? I have to do my laundry first, then I'll write that 15-page paper that's due in 12 hours.
So it's a wonderful escape tool. You can even watch TV while you're doing it and not feel guilty. It's not like it requires a lot of brain-power.
...but then you always have to fold the laundry. And you always lose something. Mostly socks.
I think laundry machines actually run on socks. Electricity is a lie. Cotton on the other hand? Capable of powering the entire world-grid with just one set of footie-pajamas.
It's really frustrating to lose socks.
I hate socks- they're confining and itchy, but I recognize the need for them to keep my shoes from smelling awful. Thus, when I lose them it upsets me. Mostly because then I have to go spend more money on something I dislike, especially since they were perfectly fine before going in the laundry machines.
So, that's why I can't decide how I really feel about laundry.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Care packages...of sorts.
I'm sure most of you have eaten macaroni and cheese at some point. I'm sure most of you know that it's pasta, powdered cheese, butter, and milk.
What I'm not sure most of you know is that there is mac'n'cheese made of powder and air.
I'm serious.

One of my roommates got a care package- I think it was called the "tasty" or the "delicious" box?- and there were TWO packages of these.
Who would make these in the first place?
Who would think this was a good enough idea to put these in this box?
Who would think putting more than one was an even better idea?
Confusion runs rampant in my brain!
We looked at these and just made one of those faces. You know the ones, where your nose scrunches up because you're not sure whether or not it's just a bad joke?
We had to try them, of course.

We discovered they were, essentially, air-popped popcorn. Which I hate...
But then they had like...powdered white-cheddar on them? I don't even know.
This basically went on my list of "never again" foods- right up there next to ketchup flavored potato chips. (These aren't bad, exactly, I just think they're a little weird even for me.)
Also in this care package was a thing of pretzels. brain is sufficiently in "college" mode. So, things get misread sometimes.
This package of pretzels had the word "Hanover" on it. Of course, I thought it said "hangover" and I thought it was very thoughtful of them to include things for hangovers.
There were a number of other things: Cheez-its, granola bars, trail mix, dehydrated fruit...fresh fruit, and some candy.
And then there were these guys:

I'm glad to know they understand that we college students appreciate candy, weird snacks, and toys a lot more than anything else.
So yeah...weird shit. Care packages has it.
What I'm not sure most of you know is that there is mac'n'cheese made of powder and air.
I'm serious.
One of my roommates got a care package- I think it was called the "tasty" or the "delicious" box?- and there were TWO packages of these.
Who would make these in the first place?
Who would think this was a good enough idea to put these in this box?
Who would think putting more than one was an even better idea?
Confusion runs rampant in my brain!
We looked at these and just made one of those faces. You know the ones, where your nose scrunches up because you're not sure whether or not it's just a bad joke?
We had to try them, of course.
We discovered they were, essentially, air-popped popcorn. Which I hate...
But then they had like...powdered white-cheddar on them? I don't even know.
This basically went on my list of "never again" foods- right up there next to ketchup flavored potato chips. (These aren't bad, exactly, I just think they're a little weird even for me.)
Also in this care package was a thing of pretzels. brain is sufficiently in "college" mode. So, things get misread sometimes.
This package of pretzels had the word "Hanover" on it. Of course, I thought it said "hangover" and I thought it was very thoughtful of them to include things for hangovers.
There were a number of other things: Cheez-its, granola bars, trail mix, dehydrated fruit...fresh fruit, and some candy.
And then there were these guys:
I'm glad to know they understand that we college students appreciate candy, weird snacks, and toys a lot more than anything else.
So yeah...weird shit. Care packages has it.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Um...what? And other things about the library.
So I work at my campus library as a technology assistant- this means I have to help people with all their little tech questions.
Today, I was instructing a girl how to print in color since only certain computers are actually networked to the color printer.
She asked if she had to email the pictures to herself since the files were on her laptop, I told her yes.
So, she pulled out her laptop, stuck her jump drive (flash drive, pen drive, I really don't care what you call it) in and proceeded to email it to herself.
Those files are not on your laptop, they are on your jump drive. Does she really not know this?
Unfortunately, I'm kind of inclined to believe that she did not, in fact, know those files weren't on her laptop.
I've noticed there are a couple types of people that use the library: the workers, the users, and the clueless.
The workers can generally walk in to any library, find what they need, and get out fairly efficiently. And they don't necessarily have to work there- they just seem more intuitive than the others.
These are also generally the kids that figured out Dewey Decimal system at a young age and read a lot.
The users learn to competently navigate the online catalog and the online databases- they might even know what "the stacks" are.
Then there are the clueless.
They come into the library three times a semester- once to find and check out a billion and a half books they don't need for papers that will probably suck, once to print off said papers, and once to return everything.
These are the ones I dread.
Now, I have to answer a lot of mindless questions- most of which I have typed up instruction signs for.
How do I scan?
You push button number 3 like the four signs all say to.
Where do I print?
At the printers? Those large box-like machines over there? No, not that, that's a plant.
Do you have a stapler?
Like the one sitting on the desk right in front of you?
Can I get a laptop?
I have three signs attached to the computer station and the desks, all of which say "I HAVE NO LAPTOPS TO GIVE YOU!!!!"
...Of course I don't snark like this IRL. But, oh, how I want to. Eight semesters of this has gotten a little old...
Basically, my hope in humanity has been greatly diminished by working here.
There has, however, been an upside to working here...
It is the most amazing thing EVER.
Now, I was pretty die-hard DD (Dewey Decimal) until college. Then I had to start shelf-reading (we literally go through all of the bookshelves and make sure the books are in order- appreciate library workers!).
Shelf-reading in the one DD section of the library gets pretty ridiculous. The numbers just keep going up! Because they go based on subject and then last name. It's awful.
In LC, you get letters for the category, numbers for the subject, then numbers for the author, then year, then which number copy it is etc. But the first two: category and subject, narrow it down so you don't get 5 bajillion Andersons and Carlsons and Jensens all together.
Thank the Library of Congress!
As a testament to how long I've been here, and how my sanity has essentially evaporated due to it, here's a real life story:
I worked here this past summer and as a result shelf-read the reference room. This isn't difficult- it's all encyclopedias basically so I just make sure the big numbers just keep increasing set-to-set.
But it's super boring.
I was trying to fill time in order to justify keeping my full-time job. Normally, I could probably finish the room with a good hour.
I spent seven hours that week shelf-reading.
In order to do this: I began having conversations with fictional characters.
I know, it's crazy, but I had to. My iPod could only play 100 songs so many times before I feel like breaking it.
Anyway, I ended up pondering a lot of things. A lot of conversations revolved around the end of season five of Supernatural, many involved whether or not I should try to be a vegetarian (yeah...that's probably not gonna happen), sometimes I mentally ranted about people that annoy me.
My favorite? An hour long debate about why LC is better than DD. I try to ignore that my opponent was Sam Winchester- it makes me feel less crazy.
Also- people steal our staplers and pens all the time. I kind of don't understand it. We even tape plastic flowers to our pens to discourage this and it still happens!
Today, I was instructing a girl how to print in color since only certain computers are actually networked to the color printer.
She asked if she had to email the pictures to herself since the files were on her laptop, I told her yes.
So, she pulled out her laptop, stuck her jump drive (flash drive, pen drive, I really don't care what you call it) in and proceeded to email it to herself.
Those files are not on your laptop, they are on your jump drive. Does she really not know this?
Unfortunately, I'm kind of inclined to believe that she did not, in fact, know those files weren't on her laptop.
I've noticed there are a couple types of people that use the library: the workers, the users, and the clueless.
The workers can generally walk in to any library, find what they need, and get out fairly efficiently. And they don't necessarily have to work there- they just seem more intuitive than the others.
These are also generally the kids that figured out Dewey Decimal system at a young age and read a lot.
The users learn to competently navigate the online catalog and the online databases- they might even know what "the stacks" are.
Then there are the clueless.
They come into the library three times a semester- once to find and check out a billion and a half books they don't need for papers that will probably suck, once to print off said papers, and once to return everything.
These are the ones I dread.
Now, I have to answer a lot of mindless questions- most of which I have typed up instruction signs for.
How do I scan?
You push button number 3 like the four signs all say to.
Where do I print?
At the printers? Those large box-like machines over there? No, not that, that's a plant.
Do you have a stapler?
Like the one sitting on the desk right in front of you?
Can I get a laptop?
I have three signs attached to the computer station and the desks, all of which say "I HAVE NO LAPTOPS TO GIVE YOU!!!!"
...Of course I don't snark like this IRL. But, oh, how I want to. Eight semesters of this has gotten a little old...
Basically, my hope in humanity has been greatly diminished by working here.
There has, however, been an upside to working here...
It is the most amazing thing EVER.
Now, I was pretty die-hard DD (Dewey Decimal) until college. Then I had to start shelf-reading (we literally go through all of the bookshelves and make sure the books are in order- appreciate library workers!).
Shelf-reading in the one DD section of the library gets pretty ridiculous. The numbers just keep going up! Because they go based on subject and then last name. It's awful.
In LC, you get letters for the category, numbers for the subject, then numbers for the author, then year, then which number copy it is etc. But the first two: category and subject, narrow it down so you don't get 5 bajillion Andersons and Carlsons and Jensens all together.
Thank the Library of Congress!
As a testament to how long I've been here, and how my sanity has essentially evaporated due to it, here's a real life story:
I worked here this past summer and as a result shelf-read the reference room. This isn't difficult- it's all encyclopedias basically so I just make sure the big numbers just keep increasing set-to-set.
But it's super boring.
I was trying to fill time in order to justify keeping my full-time job. Normally, I could probably finish the room with a good hour.
I spent seven hours that week shelf-reading.
In order to do this: I began having conversations with fictional characters.
I know, it's crazy, but I had to. My iPod could only play 100 songs so many times before I feel like breaking it.
Anyway, I ended up pondering a lot of things. A lot of conversations revolved around the end of season five of Supernatural, many involved whether or not I should try to be a vegetarian (yeah...that's probably not gonna happen), sometimes I mentally ranted about people that annoy me.
My favorite? An hour long debate about why LC is better than DD. I try to ignore that my opponent was Sam Winchester- it makes me feel less crazy.
Also- people steal our staplers and pens all the time. I kind of don't understand it. We even tape plastic flowers to our pens to discourage this and it still happens!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Posts between 12 and 3 AM
As stated many times, I cannot be left alone. My roommates will now suffer embarrassing moments as I recap random Facebook posts/status updates between the hours of 12 and 3 AM.
Note before I start this: Let it be known that I love both of my roommates. However, they should have learned by now that ditching me before 2 is a bad idea.
12 AM Posts:
1) "See...if its not violent, it doesn't go in" *totally sincere*
2) :D :D :D :D ;D
3) MADDI JUST SAID SHE WAS TIRED OF SUPERNATURAL!!!! 7 MONTHS LATER!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! *world implodes*
Explanation for #1- Bobbie was throwing popcorn in my mouth. The first piece made it, the second one bounced off because she threw it too hard. My response was "Too violent!" She then threw another piece which didn't make the distance. Hence this quote.
Explanation for #2- I think it's a "nuff said." We were watching Eclipse and decided that Bella sucks. Then we found this.
Explanation for #3- I actually only started watching Supernatural at the end of April this year (I'm ignoring that I did legitimately watch season one when it was first on). It's our default show whenever we need to put something on the TV.
(Bobbie tells me that I'm low affect intensity or something like that? I can't really function without five mental processes going on at one time so the TV is on constantly.)
Anyway, one night I was kind of not in the mood for season 1-4 (five was out on loan). This was pretty Earth-shattering.
1 AM Posts:
1) I'm sure you've already seen this but...
2) "feels judged!"
3) Maddison Melquist loves that her judging look is powerful enough for people to feel.
Explanation for #1- Blooper reel clips were leaked. Our slash fan tendencies couldn't take it.
Explanation for #s 2 and 3- These go together as a pair. I was looking at Bobbie in a judgmental fashion and she was hiding under her blanket in shame. We were kind of curious to see if she could tell when I stopped looking.
Sure enough, as soon as I turned back to my computer screen Bobbie came out from under her blanket.
2 AM Posts:
1) The poof is in my mouth!!
2) Me: This reminds me of that dream I had where someone was really excited about concentric circles.
Roomie: What the hell is a concentric circle? Jesus Christ, Maddi.
3) Maddi! There's a turtle for you on my profile page--assuming no one has taken it that is...
4) "What's wrong door? No...we shouldn't talk to it."
Explanation for #1- Bobbie's hair is kind of ridiculously poofy, and has thus been dubbed "The Poof." Her sister actually wrote an ode to it once. Anyway, some of it got in my mouth at one point and this was my reaction.
Explanation for #2- I shouldn't need to tell you about this. It was late and I brought up math things...why I had a dream once about people who were excited about something as ridiculous as concentric circles I'll never know.
Explanation for #3- Goddamn Facebook games. Happy Aquarium owned my soul for about a week.
Explanation for #4- Bobbie's door is possessed- it creaks horribly. One night, it was going super slow and therefore creaked even worse. Since it was almost 3, we ended up talking to it. We decided this was a bad idea.
Explanation for #5- This noise? It appears when there are problems. For real.
I hope you all enjoyed a quick tour into our lives!
Note before I start this: Let it be known that I love both of my roommates. However, they should have learned by now that ditching me before 2 is a bad idea.
12 AM Posts:
1) "See...if its not violent, it doesn't go in" *totally sincere*
2) :D :D :D :D ;D
3) MADDI JUST SAID SHE WAS TIRED OF SUPERNATURAL!!!! 7 MONTHS LATER!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! *world implodes*
Explanation for #1- Bobbie was throwing popcorn in my mouth. The first piece made it, the second one bounced off because she threw it too hard. My response was "Too violent!" She then threw another piece which didn't make the distance. Hence this quote.
Explanation for #2- I think it's a "nuff said." We were watching Eclipse and decided that Bella sucks. Then we found this.
Explanation for #3- I actually only started watching Supernatural at the end of April this year (I'm ignoring that I did legitimately watch season one when it was first on). It's our default show whenever we need to put something on the TV.
(Bobbie tells me that I'm low affect intensity or something like that? I can't really function without five mental processes going on at one time so the TV is on constantly.)
Anyway, one night I was kind of not in the mood for season 1-4 (five was out on loan). This was pretty Earth-shattering.
1 AM Posts:
1) I'm sure you've already seen this but...
2) "feels judged!"
3) Maddison Melquist loves that her judging look is powerful enough for people to feel.
Explanation for #1- Blooper reel clips were leaked. Our slash fan tendencies couldn't take it.
Explanation for #s 2 and 3- These go together as a pair. I was looking at Bobbie in a judgmental fashion and she was hiding under her blanket in shame. We were kind of curious to see if she could tell when I stopped looking.
Sure enough, as soon as I turned back to my computer screen Bobbie came out from under her blanket.
2 AM Posts:
1) The poof is in my mouth!!
2) Me: This reminds me of that dream I had where someone was really excited about concentric circles.
Roomie: What the hell is a concentric circle? Jesus Christ, Maddi.
3) Maddi! There's a turtle for you on my profile page--assuming no one has taken it that is...
4) "What's wrong door? No...we shouldn't talk to it."
Explanation for #1- Bobbie's hair is kind of ridiculously poofy, and has thus been dubbed "The Poof." Her sister actually wrote an ode to it once. Anyway, some of it got in my mouth at one point and this was my reaction.
Explanation for #2- I shouldn't need to tell you about this. It was late and I brought up math things...why I had a dream once about people who were excited about something as ridiculous as concentric circles I'll never know.
Explanation for #3- Goddamn Facebook games. Happy Aquarium owned my soul for about a week.
Explanation for #4- Bobbie's door is possessed- it creaks horribly. One night, it was going super slow and therefore creaked even worse. Since it was almost 3, we ended up talking to it. We decided this was a bad idea.
Explanation for #5- This noise? It appears when there are problems. For real.
I hope you all enjoyed a quick tour into our lives!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Ridiculous Habits: Part 1
I have a lot of silly habits that I am sometimes seriously ashamed of. Today, you all get to read a few of them!
Habit #1
The lights in my townhouse have a delay to them- I've timed it really well so that I can now do this.
Whenever I turn my lights on, I wait until they're just about to turn on and I snap. I do this because I like to pretend I have magic powers (even if it is just for something as simple as turning on lights).
There's just something about snapping and the lights turning on that makes me feel really cool.
Basically, I just want to be able to do magic.
Habit # 2
If I know that I'm alone, I walk around my dorm/house so I know there are no creepers in my house.
I look under beds, behind doors, in closets.
I prepare myself for battle.
Habit # 3
I have an oral fixation.
I spend a lot of time putting things in my mouth. I chew gum, I chew on pencils and pens, I put phones in my mouth if I don't have good access to any of those thing.
I bite books and papers just to hear the disgusted reactions of my peers.
Habit # 4
I mostly speak without thinking.
That's kind of why I started this blog. I say things and people laugh so I think I'm funny. Most of the things I write about stem from some random statement that I've made.
This is actually even more true in my classes. I just spew responses and teachers glare.
Habit # 5
I sleep on top of my comforter.
I've done this for years. For many reasons:
1) There's no point making the bed day after day, but I like the look of a bed that's made. If I don't sleep under the covers, there's no need.
2) I get really warm at night. I don't understand it. You'd think that my body would cool down at night. No. False.
3) Usually, if I sleep under my covers, I end up having an epic battle with my comforter and wake up with it on the floor and sweat everywhere.
As a sub-point: I don't use a flat sheet at all. Ever.
Habit # 6
I organize my books alphabetically by author and separated into fiction and non-fiction.
I admit it, I am this anal retentive. I alphabetize my movies too, but I have stopped breaking them down into genre also.
Habit # 7
If I want a movie, I'm at Walmart, at midnight, to pick it up.
Yeah, I support "The Beast." Most of the time, I pretend that I have absolutely no other free time to purchase that movie. But I kind of don't care- I'm very big on that whole "instant gratification" thing.
Habit #1
The lights in my townhouse have a delay to them- I've timed it really well so that I can now do this.
Whenever I turn my lights on, I wait until they're just about to turn on and I snap. I do this because I like to pretend I have magic powers (even if it is just for something as simple as turning on lights).
There's just something about snapping and the lights turning on that makes me feel really cool.
Basically, I just want to be able to do magic.
Habit # 2
If I know that I'm alone, I walk around my dorm/house so I know there are no creepers in my house.
I look under beds, behind doors, in closets.
I prepare myself for battle.
Habit # 3
I have an oral fixation.
I spend a lot of time putting things in my mouth. I chew gum, I chew on pencils and pens, I put phones in my mouth if I don't have good access to any of those thing.
I bite books and papers just to hear the disgusted reactions of my peers.
Habit # 4
I mostly speak without thinking.
That's kind of why I started this blog. I say things and people laugh so I think I'm funny. Most of the things I write about stem from some random statement that I've made.
This is actually even more true in my classes. I just spew responses and teachers glare.
Habit # 5
I sleep on top of my comforter.
I've done this for years. For many reasons:
1) There's no point making the bed day after day, but I like the look of a bed that's made. If I don't sleep under the covers, there's no need.
2) I get really warm at night. I don't understand it. You'd think that my body would cool down at night. No. False.
3) Usually, if I sleep under my covers, I end up having an epic battle with my comforter and wake up with it on the floor and sweat everywhere.
As a sub-point: I don't use a flat sheet at all. Ever.
Habit # 6
I organize my books alphabetically by author and separated into fiction and non-fiction.
I admit it, I am this anal retentive. I alphabetize my movies too, but I have stopped breaking them down into genre also.
Habit # 7
If I want a movie, I'm at Walmart, at midnight, to pick it up.
Yeah, I support "The Beast." Most of the time, I pretend that I have absolutely no other free time to purchase that movie. But I kind of don't care- I'm very big on that whole "instant gratification" thing.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Best of Romance Novels
Alright, here's a dirty little not-so-secret-secret of mine: I read romance novels.
Well, technically I call them "smut books." They're a guilty pleasure of mine. (I should actually define all of my hobbies as "guilty pleasures" since I should probably be vaguely ashamed of all of them.)
So, yeah, I own a lot of them. It all started when I accidentally bought one thinking it was a fantasy book. This is legit! I've shown it to many people since purchasing it and it does not look like a romance novel, and the back summary or whatever does not necessarily read like one.
The problem with these books, and you can confirm this if you've ever read one, is that they're like crack. They give you a quick high that is over way too fast.
Then you want more.
So, I've tried to spend my money wisely. Because, unlike crack, you can actually reuse these books. I've read some of them like...10 times. And other people have also read them.
So, because some of them are good enough to be reread, I'm going to name my favorite author:
Kinley MacGregor/ Sherrilyn Kenyon
*Her characters are fantastic with just enough angst to make them completely lovable.
*She's hilarious. I laugh several times through each book.
*The stories are completely original and yet they all manage to end in the cliche happy ending.
*There is plot! Seriously. They're all in series and you actually should read them in order. And they're awesome so you should read them anyway.
She's basically amazing.
She actually writes a wide variety of series:
-Highlanders! (McAllister brothers)
-Brotherhood! (a secret group of people who basically spend their lives trying to save people)
-Lords of Avalon! (a fantastic sci-fi/fantasy series about some of our dear friends from the Arthurian legends)
-Dark/Dream/Were Hunter (the super popular one with vampires and things)
-The League! (A great science fiction universe)
This is the only downside to being a fan of hers. All her other works kind of take a backseat to the Hunter series.
Please support the other ones so she'll write them faster. I've been waiting four years for a third Lords of Avalon book to come out! :(
Well, technically I call them "smut books." They're a guilty pleasure of mine. (I should actually define all of my hobbies as "guilty pleasures" since I should probably be vaguely ashamed of all of them.)
So, yeah, I own a lot of them. It all started when I accidentally bought one thinking it was a fantasy book. This is legit! I've shown it to many people since purchasing it and it does not look like a romance novel, and the back summary or whatever does not necessarily read like one.
The problem with these books, and you can confirm this if you've ever read one, is that they're like crack. They give you a quick high that is over way too fast.
Then you want more.
So, I've tried to spend my money wisely. Because, unlike crack, you can actually reuse these books. I've read some of them like...10 times. And other people have also read them.
So, because some of them are good enough to be reread, I'm going to name my favorite author:
Kinley MacGregor/ Sherrilyn Kenyon
*Her characters are fantastic with just enough angst to make them completely lovable.
*She's hilarious. I laugh several times through each book.
*The stories are completely original and yet they all manage to end in the cliche happy ending.
*There is plot! Seriously. They're all in series and you actually should read them in order. And they're awesome so you should read them anyway.
She's basically amazing.
She actually writes a wide variety of series:
-Highlanders! (McAllister brothers)
-Brotherhood! (a secret group of people who basically spend their lives trying to save people)
-Lords of Avalon! (a fantastic sci-fi/fantasy series about some of our dear friends from the Arthurian legends)
-Dark/Dream/Were Hunter (the super popular one with vampires and things)
-The League! (A great science fiction universe)
This is the only downside to being a fan of hers. All her other works kind of take a backseat to the Hunter series.
Please support the other ones so she'll write them faster. I've been waiting four years for a third Lords of Avalon book to come out! :(
Monday, December 6, 2010
Dear Tropicana
I kind of love you a little more today.
I went shopping with one of my roommates today- and she decided she absolutely had to have orange juice.
I'm impatient. Standing in front of the orange juice selection for 30 seconds was way too long since I know what kind of orange juice I want.
I finally asked what she was doing, and she responded that all of the options were pulp free (enter Tropicana).

Personally, I prefer there being no pulp. Because the other option is this:

I feel like I'm drinking paper. It's disgusting. If I wanted to actually eat the gross parts of an orange instead of just the juicy goodness, I would go would eat an orange.
My roommate said she just wanted "some pulp" and we were looking.
Tropicana, you are brilliant:

Seriously, I'm so proud of you and your marketing research team. Bravo for actually surveying the wants and needs of your customers.
Also, I appreciate their color coordination- blue is no pulp, yellow is lots of pulp, and green is the combination!
Anyway, despite this discovery, she decided she wants calcium enhanced orange juice and went with the "Lots of Pulp" option.
I went shopping with one of my roommates today- and she decided she absolutely had to have orange juice.
I'm impatient. Standing in front of the orange juice selection for 30 seconds was way too long since I know what kind of orange juice I want.
I finally asked what she was doing, and she responded that all of the options were pulp free (enter Tropicana).

Personally, I prefer there being no pulp. Because the other option is this:

I feel like I'm drinking paper. It's disgusting. If I wanted to actually eat the gross parts of an orange instead of just the juicy goodness, I would go would eat an orange.
My roommate said she just wanted "some pulp" and we were looking.
Tropicana, you are brilliant:

Seriously, I'm so proud of you and your marketing research team. Bravo for actually surveying the wants and needs of your customers.
Also, I appreciate their color coordination- blue is no pulp, yellow is lots of pulp, and green is the combination!
Anyway, despite this discovery, she decided she wants calcium enhanced orange juice and went with the "Lots of Pulp" option.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Caged Heat
So every Friday night, my roommates and some of our friends go to my parent's house to watch the new episode of Supernatural. (Because Concordia is a whore who won't add CW to their channels.)
Thursday, Bobbie and I were discussing how much we don't want this one character, who happens to be an angel named Castiel (Cas), to be canon straight.
Yes, we do spend a lot of our free time analyzing characters and their sexual orientation. But this last part is important- we don't think Cas has a specific sexual orientation.
We've labeled him as pansexual...he's not really for or against anything.
However, we came to the conclusion that canon straight activity is completely acceptable if one thing happens:
He must look down at his crotch with a confused expression.
This totally happened. He was watching porn. Porn of all things! It was pretty glorious.
Then he used his skills of observation to mimic what he saw in the porn to make out with a female character.
Honestly? I stand by what I said- it's OK!
Now, I feel the need to qualify this, because I'm a Dean/Cas fan and essentially nothing (aside from Dean's terrible princess attitude from this season) can sway my opinion.
So, this episode is amazing because:
1) Crowley torturing a shapeshifter that looks like him.
2) The number of times they use the word "screw."
3) Second part of the one above- the number of innuendos.
4) Cas watching porn. It's right out of fanfiction. And saying things like "If the pizza boy truly loves this babysitter...why is he repeatedly hitting her bottom?" (I admit, I can't remember the end word-for-word...but that's the general idea.)
5) Cas' voice deepening when saying "She must have done something wrong." (GAH! Be still my beating heart.)
6) Cas looking down at his crotch in a confused manner!
7) DEAN using the word "boner" in reference to Cas.
8) Sam and Dean's grandfather asking if they often sit in a room watching porn with an angel.
9) Cas and Meg make-out scene. I laughed. So. Hard.
10) The general confusion caused by make-out scene.
11) Cas and Dean finally talk a bit. (Twice)
Alright, so now I need to talk through why my slashy little heart is OK with all this and other wonderful things.
Now, I love the way Dean and Cas interact in this episode. Sam was kind of a bitch in this episode (seriously, lying and then threatening an angel?), but when Cas calls him "boy" I laughed a lot. Sure, Sam is soulless, but that doesn't mean he has to be rude.
Cas watching porn- just because it was on- I cannot stop thinking about this and laughing. Cas being confused about the plot of porn? Glorious. And the fact that Dean has to explain to Cas that it's not cool to watch porn in a group setting, and one definitely shouldn't discuss it. Epic.
The fact that it is Dean who acknowledges that Cas has a boner? My fangirl heart squeals. Good job, Dean, being all attuned to your angel.
Then Dean/Cas talk number one. I like that Cas didn't try to hide his concern for Sam's soul from Dean anymore. Dean knows how broken someone can be when they come back from Hell- and he needed to know that Cas couldn't just snap his fingers and fix it.
And Meg. Now, I knew there was this possibility- I told my friends this summer that if I were writing this show I could guarantee that Cas was getting a girlfriend who had a past connection to Dean.
Still never quite saw this coming though.
These two had a wonderful little flirting scene back in season five- I maintain Cas was just imitating Dean's actions.
And based on this latest episode? I'm going to say that I was right.
It's MEG who starts the action, slashers- calm down. Cas was just responding in a way he had observed...and no one exactly told him that the Porn/Reality filter is important.
Also...she's a demon. Who is probably gonna try to take over downstairs now. Don't panic- I'm not feeling any love there.
In regards to Dean's reactions while all of this is happening- he's clearly embarrassed and intrigued (and I'm gonna argue just a little bit of jealousy- he sounds a little bitter at the end when he tells Cas he can have an hour with Meg).
We know one of his porny dreams involves angels and demons making out. This dream has now become a reality.
Then Dean and Cas have glorious talk two. Where Cas tells Dean and Sam that his life sucks and he wants to be down on Earth with them. And Dean wants to help! He's just not capable of it because how do humans really help an angel fight other angels? But Cas appreciates that Dean wants to help and Dean calls him his friend and I feel the healing power of love glowing through the screen!
I wanted this to happen. So much. They needed to acknowledge that they want to help each other and that they're friends. I was getting tired of Dean treating Cas as his attack hound and ignoring Cas' life.
And I'm glad Cas finally said he wanted to be back with them. Last season left me with this disgusting sense of everyone getting what they think they want but they don't really!
I think they've finally acknowledged those problems for each member of Team Free Will: Dean thought he wanted a normal life, Cas thought he wanted to be in Heaven, and I'm sure Sam thought he wanted to feel nothing after all the shit they went through.
They're slowly realizing that they don't really want those things.
Dean had his ridiculous suicide note reunion with Lisa and he was forced to deal with that. He flat out said he only went because he promised Sam.
And let's face it, his abandonment issues are horrendous. He was just waiting for Lisa to tell him to leave, but I think it's been haunting him that when it finally happened it was because he had endangered them- and he never wanted that. He does care about them, and I think he could have existed there with them.
But that's just it- he would just have been existing.
Cas also wanted happy family times. Well, not really family times. He wanted the power of being an angel so he didn't feel useless. To. His. Friends. I don't think it's about the power, just the abilities he can offer with it. And I think he's starting to get that. He's tired of meaningless fighting and being forced away from the people he actually cares about.
And Sam...he was just tired of being around, I think. Near the end, I think everything just kind of collapsed and he was tired of feeling guilty for everything that had happened to people he loved.
I may have digressed a little there.
The only part of this whole episode that I was a bit disappointed with was the turn they took with Samuel. I mean, of course I can understand him wanting his daughter back- but at the potential expense of losing his grandchildren?
He mentions that they're strangers to him, but why not take the time and just love the part of Mary that's left? His memories and her son.
It upsets me. Also, Crowley dies and I was sad- but I'm glad he gets to be on Dr. Who. Even though that show has now cost me meeting Mark Sheppard and his appearance in Supernatural.
Overall: I love this episode and the new writer. I may just send you cookies.
I also want to name this episode "I Kissed a Girl and I liked it...I Hope My Boyfriend Don't Mind it."
Thursday, Bobbie and I were discussing how much we don't want this one character, who happens to be an angel named Castiel (Cas), to be canon straight.
Yes, we do spend a lot of our free time analyzing characters and their sexual orientation. But this last part is important- we don't think Cas has a specific sexual orientation.
We've labeled him as pansexual...he's not really for or against anything.
However, we came to the conclusion that canon straight activity is completely acceptable if one thing happens:
He must look down at his crotch with a confused expression.
This totally happened. He was watching porn. Porn of all things! It was pretty glorious.
Then he used his skills of observation to mimic what he saw in the porn to make out with a female character.
Honestly? I stand by what I said- it's OK!
Now, I feel the need to qualify this, because I'm a Dean/Cas fan and essentially nothing (aside from Dean's terrible princess attitude from this season) can sway my opinion.
So, this episode is amazing because:
1) Crowley torturing a shapeshifter that looks like him.
2) The number of times they use the word "screw."
3) Second part of the one above- the number of innuendos.
4) Cas watching porn. It's right out of fanfiction. And saying things like "If the pizza boy truly loves this babysitter...why is he repeatedly hitting her bottom?" (I admit, I can't remember the end word-for-word...but that's the general idea.)
5) Cas' voice deepening when saying "She must have done something wrong." (GAH! Be still my beating heart.)
6) Cas looking down at his crotch in a confused manner!
7) DEAN using the word "boner" in reference to Cas.
8) Sam and Dean's grandfather asking if they often sit in a room watching porn with an angel.
9) Cas and Meg make-out scene. I laughed. So. Hard.
10) The general confusion caused by make-out scene.
11) Cas and Dean finally talk a bit. (Twice)
Alright, so now I need to talk through why my slashy little heart is OK with all this and other wonderful things.
Now, I love the way Dean and Cas interact in this episode. Sam was kind of a bitch in this episode (seriously, lying and then threatening an angel?), but when Cas calls him "boy" I laughed a lot. Sure, Sam is soulless, but that doesn't mean he has to be rude.
Cas watching porn- just because it was on- I cannot stop thinking about this and laughing. Cas being confused about the plot of porn? Glorious. And the fact that Dean has to explain to Cas that it's not cool to watch porn in a group setting, and one definitely shouldn't discuss it. Epic.
The fact that it is Dean who acknowledges that Cas has a boner? My fangirl heart squeals. Good job, Dean, being all attuned to your angel.
Then Dean/Cas talk number one. I like that Cas didn't try to hide his concern for Sam's soul from Dean anymore. Dean knows how broken someone can be when they come back from Hell- and he needed to know that Cas couldn't just snap his fingers and fix it.
And Meg. Now, I knew there was this possibility- I told my friends this summer that if I were writing this show I could guarantee that Cas was getting a girlfriend who had a past connection to Dean.
Still never quite saw this coming though.
These two had a wonderful little flirting scene back in season five- I maintain Cas was just imitating Dean's actions.
And based on this latest episode? I'm going to say that I was right.
It's MEG who starts the action, slashers- calm down. Cas was just responding in a way he had observed...and no one exactly told him that the Porn/Reality filter is important.
Also...she's a demon. Who is probably gonna try to take over downstairs now. Don't panic- I'm not feeling any love there.
In regards to Dean's reactions while all of this is happening- he's clearly embarrassed and intrigued (and I'm gonna argue just a little bit of jealousy- he sounds a little bitter at the end when he tells Cas he can have an hour with Meg).
We know one of his porny dreams involves angels and demons making out. This dream has now become a reality.
Then Dean and Cas have glorious talk two. Where Cas tells Dean and Sam that his life sucks and he wants to be down on Earth with them. And Dean wants to help! He's just not capable of it because how do humans really help an angel fight other angels? But Cas appreciates that Dean wants to help and Dean calls him his friend and I feel the healing power of love glowing through the screen!
I wanted this to happen. So much. They needed to acknowledge that they want to help each other and that they're friends. I was getting tired of Dean treating Cas as his attack hound and ignoring Cas' life.
And I'm glad Cas finally said he wanted to be back with them. Last season left me with this disgusting sense of everyone getting what they think they want but they don't really!
I think they've finally acknowledged those problems for each member of Team Free Will: Dean thought he wanted a normal life, Cas thought he wanted to be in Heaven, and I'm sure Sam thought he wanted to feel nothing after all the shit they went through.
They're slowly realizing that they don't really want those things.
Dean had his ridiculous suicide note reunion with Lisa and he was forced to deal with that. He flat out said he only went because he promised Sam.
And let's face it, his abandonment issues are horrendous. He was just waiting for Lisa to tell him to leave, but I think it's been haunting him that when it finally happened it was because he had endangered them- and he never wanted that. He does care about them, and I think he could have existed there with them.
But that's just it- he would just have been existing.
Cas also wanted happy family times. Well, not really family times. He wanted the power of being an angel so he didn't feel useless. To. His. Friends. I don't think it's about the power, just the abilities he can offer with it. And I think he's starting to get that. He's tired of meaningless fighting and being forced away from the people he actually cares about.
And Sam...he was just tired of being around, I think. Near the end, I think everything just kind of collapsed and he was tired of feeling guilty for everything that had happened to people he loved.
I may have digressed a little there.
The only part of this whole episode that I was a bit disappointed with was the turn they took with Samuel. I mean, of course I can understand him wanting his daughter back- but at the potential expense of losing his grandchildren?
He mentions that they're strangers to him, but why not take the time and just love the part of Mary that's left? His memories and her son.
It upsets me. Also, Crowley dies and I was sad- but I'm glad he gets to be on Dr. Who. Even though that show has now cost me meeting Mark Sheppard and his appearance in Supernatural.
Overall: I love this episode and the new writer. I may just send you cookies.
I also want to name this episode "I Kissed a Girl and I liked it...I Hope My Boyfriend Don't Mind it."
Saturday, December 4, 2010
It occurred to me the other day that if I truly wish to become famous, I should probably start talking about one thing in this blog. I mean, if I really need a cathartic method of recording my thoughts I should probably just go get a journal and stop polluting the internet right?
I'm going to disagree with myself here- I think my random setup is what makes this awesome. And one day, everyone else will recognize that.
The reason I was thinking about this goes back to a more neurotic tendency of mine: I like checking the traffic sources.
See, "They" give you this handy stats tab that tracks page views, country views, OS views, and then the traffic sources (where they get their link from).
Most of the time it's Facebook because I'm an attention whore who is trying to stack the odds in my favor by exploiting my friendships and their free time.
But an exciting thing happened the other day. Google appeared!
I was thrilled. Honestly, my heart started racing. OK, that's a bit much...but I was excited!
Fortunately, it tells you which search terms ended up triggering your blog.
Here's mine:
"what are the id ego superego in fantasia sorcerer's apprentice" random is that? I mean, I kind of understand it with Mickey being the Id and the Sorcerer being the Superego (and the broomstick as the Ego I guess?).
But seriously, I wrote two separate posts about Fantasia and the id ego and superego.
Needless to say, I was amused.
So, if something like this can happen because I'm being completely random, I don't see why I should change my ways. I take great enjoyment in what I've written so far and received a hit from f***ing GOOGLE as a result.
Therefore! There shall only be one common theme throughout this blog: the ongoing truth that I seriously cannot be left alone for more than a few hours (especially at 1 AM).
Now, I shall make a smooth transition from talking about uniform blog posts to talking about uniforms. (See what I did there? I tried to find a common theme and it still didn't work.)
Uniforms are adorable. I love seeing private school uniforms in a way that I'm not sure is entirely healthy. Other forms of uniform are also acceptable but much less appreciated.
I've always been torn on the uniforms in schools debate. On the one hand, I really enjoy the fact that it would level the playing field- no one is going to insult someone for buying their jeans at Target instead of Silver or for going to Hot Topic. I think I may have heard somewhere that they tend to do better too? I dunno, don't quote me on that.
On the other hand, I appreciate individuality. I like when people don't try to be someone they're not. For example, it makes me really happy when I see someone wearing rainbow overalls (they should make more of these BTW).
I think dress codes are important in public schools. I also think they're probably the best way to go for American schools.
All that being said, when my roommate watches Glee, I have to admit I'm thrilled when the Warblers are on screen because they wear uniforms and aren't a real school- thereby satisfying my love of seeing uniforms and my desire to maintain schools that don't have uniforms.
Now all I need is for Team Free Will to have uniforms and I will be set!
I'm going to disagree with myself here- I think my random setup is what makes this awesome. And one day, everyone else will recognize that.
The reason I was thinking about this goes back to a more neurotic tendency of mine: I like checking the traffic sources.
See, "They" give you this handy stats tab that tracks page views, country views, OS views, and then the traffic sources (where they get their link from).
Most of the time it's Facebook because I'm an attention whore who is trying to stack the odds in my favor by exploiting my friendships and their free time.
But an exciting thing happened the other day. Google appeared!
I was thrilled. Honestly, my heart started racing. OK, that's a bit much...but I was excited!
Fortunately, it tells you which search terms ended up triggering your blog.
Here's mine:
"what are the id ego superego in fantasia sorcerer's apprentice" random is that? I mean, I kind of understand it with Mickey being the Id and the Sorcerer being the Superego (and the broomstick as the Ego I guess?).
But seriously, I wrote two separate posts about Fantasia and the id ego and superego.
Needless to say, I was amused.
So, if something like this can happen because I'm being completely random, I don't see why I should change my ways. I take great enjoyment in what I've written so far and received a hit from f***ing GOOGLE as a result.
Therefore! There shall only be one common theme throughout this blog: the ongoing truth that I seriously cannot be left alone for more than a few hours (especially at 1 AM).
Now, I shall make a smooth transition from talking about uniform blog posts to talking about uniforms. (See what I did there? I tried to find a common theme and it still didn't work.)
Uniforms are adorable. I love seeing private school uniforms in a way that I'm not sure is entirely healthy. Other forms of uniform are also acceptable but much less appreciated.
I've always been torn on the uniforms in schools debate. On the one hand, I really enjoy the fact that it would level the playing field- no one is going to insult someone for buying their jeans at Target instead of Silver or for going to Hot Topic. I think I may have heard somewhere that they tend to do better too? I dunno, don't quote me on that.
On the other hand, I appreciate individuality. I like when people don't try to be someone they're not. For example, it makes me really happy when I see someone wearing rainbow overalls (they should make more of these BTW).
I think dress codes are important in public schools. I also think they're probably the best way to go for American schools.
All that being said, when my roommate watches Glee, I have to admit I'm thrilled when the Warblers are on screen because they wear uniforms and aren't a real school- thereby satisfying my love of seeing uniforms and my desire to maintain schools that don't have uniforms.
Now all I need is for Team Free Will to have uniforms and I will be set!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Populism is Alive (Or, why Misha Collins is going to take over the world)
Voting- a privilege. We get to elect our leaders based on how well they match up to our own ideas for a national plan. Research, comparisons, watching debates, and reading interviews- months go by for the responsible voter as they select the candidate that suits them best.
Or, we could just accept that populism is alive and well.
I'm going to use good Ole Wikipedia for a definition of populism (technically, the definition comes from Daniel A. Smith's Tax crusaders and the politics of direct democracy, I haven't read it...but I like this definition).
Populism: any political discourse that appeals to the general mass of the population, to the "people" as such, regardless of class distinctions and political partisanship - "a folksy appeal to the 'average guy' or some allegedly general will"
Thank you, Daniel A. Smith.
So, populism- truly "for the people, by the people" shit going on there.
Now that you understand what I mean by "populism," I can begin to explain why I believe that Misha Collins is fully capable of taking over the world.
Misha, known widely for his role as the angel Castiel on the TV show Supernatural, is slowly gaining more and more fans. (Ironically, Misha's lead role was developed- in large part- by fan demand. Populism FTW.)
His fans, known as minions, are working to help him conquer the world- his constant Twitter updates (often consisting of ridiculous statements and even more ridiculous photos) only endear him more to his loyal band of followers.
His recent political activism (The LA Tea Party) has garnered even more public attention. Not only drawing more support from his fans, but sufficiently shedding light on the ridiculousness of the Tea Party by hosting a real tea party one sunny day.
And his new(ish, it's "birthday" is today actually) non-profit organization, The Random Act, has a mission statement advertising their desire to "Take over the world, one random act of kindness at a time."
Why am I listing these things off? Because I believe this is the perfect basis for his global takeover. His fans love him and will go to the ends of the earth (and probably the known universe if they have the resources) to support his crazy ideas- because most of the time they're good...or ridiculously funny.
Now, this isn't even a localized occurrence. His fans cover the globe (I really wanted to write the word "plague" here, but I don't consider it a plague...).
The best part? He knows it. He knows that he has these kinds of resources, so he continues to engage them. It's brilliant.
So, basically, I think Mr. Collins here has a perfectly good chance at taking over the world. And, though it goes against my own plans for world domination, I will gladly support him should he focus on doing so.
Or, we could just accept that populism is alive and well.
I'm going to use good Ole Wikipedia for a definition of populism (technically, the definition comes from Daniel A. Smith's Tax crusaders and the politics of direct democracy, I haven't read it...but I like this definition).
Populism: any political discourse that appeals to the general mass of the population, to the "people" as such, regardless of class distinctions and political partisanship - "a folksy appeal to the 'average guy' or some allegedly general will"
Thank you, Daniel A. Smith.
So, populism- truly "for the people, by the people" shit going on there.
Now that you understand what I mean by "populism," I can begin to explain why I believe that Misha Collins is fully capable of taking over the world.
Misha, known widely for his role as the angel Castiel on the TV show Supernatural, is slowly gaining more and more fans. (Ironically, Misha's lead role was developed- in large part- by fan demand. Populism FTW.)
His fans, known as minions, are working to help him conquer the world- his constant Twitter updates (often consisting of ridiculous statements and even more ridiculous photos) only endear him more to his loyal band of followers.
His recent political activism (The LA Tea Party) has garnered even more public attention. Not only drawing more support from his fans, but sufficiently shedding light on the ridiculousness of the Tea Party by hosting a real tea party one sunny day.
And his new(ish, it's "birthday" is today actually) non-profit organization, The Random Act, has a mission statement advertising their desire to "Take over the world, one random act of kindness at a time."
Why am I listing these things off? Because I believe this is the perfect basis for his global takeover. His fans love him and will go to the ends of the earth (and probably the known universe if they have the resources) to support his crazy ideas- because most of the time they're good...or ridiculously funny.
Now, this isn't even a localized occurrence. His fans cover the globe (I really wanted to write the word "plague" here, but I don't consider it a plague...).
The best part? He knows it. He knows that he has these kinds of resources, so he continues to engage them. It's brilliant.
So, basically, I think Mr. Collins here has a perfectly good chance at taking over the world. And, though it goes against my own plans for world domination, I will gladly support him should he focus on doing so.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Final Boss: The Registrar
If you've ever played a video game, you know what a boss is. It's the guy whose ass you have to kick at the end of each level.
At the end of the game there's a final boss, and if you defeat it you win the game.
In the Game of Life: College Edition, the final boss is clearly the Registrar's office.
Doesn't it just sound like some horrendous dragon-like creature that breathes smog and spits acid? Registrar!!!!
It's a name that I imagine being roared...
Now, like any good final boss, the Registrar appears throughout your journey.
Yeah, each semester you have mini-bosses. These are regular things like finals, trying to register for the next semester (cue Registrar), attempting to keep a normal sleep schedule, and trying to feed yourself.
But the Registrar makes Sephiroth or Ganon look like kittens and puppies with big watery eyes.
In other words, I would rather go up against a psycho hose-beast than talk to the Registrar.
The main problem with the Registrar is their elevated level of self-importance. They think we can't survive without them and always make us feel like we're inconveniencing them!
The school I attend recently switched over to a system called Banner and supplements it with a program called DegreeWorks.
Banner is primarily used to maintain a record of our financial aid and eliminate the hassle of registration.
DegreeWorks monitors our progress for our majors, minors, required credits, and core curriculum courses. (Basically, it's a giant checklist.)
Now, this seems like it should be awesome right? The Registrar's office should exist to input the information and we should never have to interact with each other again.
Except that, because these programs are new, they're more trouble than the old system right now.
So when I get an email that says "make sure your DegreeWorks is right so you can apply for graduation!" I'm less than thrilled to find that I have to go to the Registrar.
Who apparently has no record of one of my majors...even though I've been the same major since first semester of my sophomore know.
So when I tried to explain my major (and pointed out that my major is stapled to my checklist from two years ago) she tells me I need to resubmit my course list?
Which means speaking to the chair of my major's department again (this is like...the fourth time now).
I was very sarcastic in the letter I turned in today- including rudimentary math to prove that I have, in fact, taken 48 credits that apply to this major.
But for now- I have vanquished the Registrar and will be graduating!
...Assuming they enter the information correctly =/
At the end of the game there's a final boss, and if you defeat it you win the game.
In the Game of Life: College Edition, the final boss is clearly the Registrar's office.
Doesn't it just sound like some horrendous dragon-like creature that breathes smog and spits acid? Registrar!!!!
It's a name that I imagine being roared...
Now, like any good final boss, the Registrar appears throughout your journey.
Yeah, each semester you have mini-bosses. These are regular things like finals, trying to register for the next semester (cue Registrar), attempting to keep a normal sleep schedule, and trying to feed yourself.
But the Registrar makes Sephiroth or Ganon look like kittens and puppies with big watery eyes.
In other words, I would rather go up against a psycho hose-beast than talk to the Registrar.
The main problem with the Registrar is their elevated level of self-importance. They think we can't survive without them and always make us feel like we're inconveniencing them!
The school I attend recently switched over to a system called Banner and supplements it with a program called DegreeWorks.
Banner is primarily used to maintain a record of our financial aid and eliminate the hassle of registration.
DegreeWorks monitors our progress for our majors, minors, required credits, and core curriculum courses. (Basically, it's a giant checklist.)
Now, this seems like it should be awesome right? The Registrar's office should exist to input the information and we should never have to interact with each other again.
Except that, because these programs are new, they're more trouble than the old system right now.
So when I get an email that says "make sure your DegreeWorks is right so you can apply for graduation!" I'm less than thrilled to find that I have to go to the Registrar.
Who apparently has no record of one of my majors...even though I've been the same major since first semester of my sophomore know.
So when I tried to explain my major (and pointed out that my major is stapled to my checklist from two years ago) she tells me I need to resubmit my course list?
Which means speaking to the chair of my major's department again (this is like...the fourth time now).
I was very sarcastic in the letter I turned in today- including rudimentary math to prove that I have, in fact, taken 48 credits that apply to this major.
But for now- I have vanquished the Registrar and will be graduating!
...Assuming they enter the information correctly =/
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Modern Family
If any of you don't watch Modern Family, you should.
Though my love for other shows (i.e. Supernatural) probably shines through more holes, my love for Modern Family probably shines brighter.
I bought season 1 on a whim in September. Because I do things like that.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that it's like...the best show on TV.
Now, I pretty consistently watch: White Collar, Supernatural, The Office, Outsourced and I'm considering starting Walking Dead.
I like humor, and I like things being a little original. I like being able to think and analyze...or not.
And Modern Family is just glorious. It satisfies every need I could possibly have for a TV show. (Except it is kind of severely lacking in hot guys.)
So yes, if you have free time at 8pm on Wednesdays, check it out!
Though my love for other shows (i.e. Supernatural) probably shines through more holes, my love for Modern Family probably shines brighter.
I bought season 1 on a whim in September. Because I do things like that.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that it's like...the best show on TV.
Now, I pretty consistently watch: White Collar, Supernatural, The Office, Outsourced and I'm considering starting Walking Dead.
I like humor, and I like things being a little original. I like being able to think and analyze...or not.
And Modern Family is just glorious. It satisfies every need I could possibly have for a TV show. (Except it is kind of severely lacking in hot guys.)
So yes, if you have free time at 8pm on Wednesdays, check it out!
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