I hate grocery shopping. It's awful.
No one likes it, but everyone has to do it. It draws up resentment and baser instincts.
It's either you, or them, so you push your metal cart around without looking and without caring because that last gallon of skim milk that expires a whole two weeks from now is yours dammit!
That, or you just sit there staring at two identical products, blocking the aisle with your cart and just generally annoying people.
It's unfortunate that groceries are a necessity. It's also unfortunate that ordering food online is kind of awkward and leads to incorrect items and things- otherwise I would probably do all my ordering like that.
Shopping for food is just frustrating! You have to go out and deal with people who are in the zone, on a mission. Get in, get the food, get out.
We all have the same objective, but we get really focused on our own groceries.
It gets even worse if you need some obscure item. Like today I needed bacon bits. That's not too difficult, right? Except that it is. Bacon bits are kept by salad things. Not meat things.
But the rewards of shopping are great. Cooking and eating win...forever!
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