Why I have a blog...

There are two goals in mind for this blog:
1.In the style of Allie Brosh (hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com), I'm hoping that I can simply become famous before I graduate so I never have to decide on a real career.
2. Let's prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory right! If you like what I write, tell a friend, and have them tell a friend, until all the friends everywhere have been notified.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wrapping Paper

Wrapping paper is kind of amazing.

No, seriously. It is.

It's good for many occasions- especially ones that require hiding things. Like presents!

Now, presents appear many times throughout the year:
Mothers/Fathers Day
April Fool's Day (ok, maybe not this one...but it would be kind of awesome to wrap something up in about 50 layers of wrapping paper only for it to be a rubber band ball...actually...a rubber band ball would probably be sweet anyway.)

My point is- presents are super serious business.

And opening things is so much fun!!

I think this is why I order so many things online...I love getting mail and I love opening things. Ordering from Amazon satisfies both of these loves.

But aside from doing its actual job, wrapping paper has another perk: the core.

Now, the environmental major in my wishes they would stop using these and just make tight wrapped paper rolls and not waste that stuff.

But the person that wants to have impromptu sword fights with the empty rolls really wants to buy a ton of wrapping paper and wrap shit just for the rolls.

It's loads of fun! It's not like they can seriously damage any of the party members, but it's still intense enough to satisfy any blood-lust competitors have.

...anyway. That's a little about why I love wrapping paper.


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