Alright, so I like to think of this as "I have a warrior's spirit" rather than "I have paranoia to freakish levels."
I am pretty much always ready for a fight.
Considering that I grew up in a city where your biggest crime potential is larceny, I have next to no reason to be paranoid about anything. (Though our rape risk is a little high...must be the two colleges.)
Anyway, I have a few habits that really exemplify the level of paranoia I have:
*I always sit in corners that allow me to view a room best. If I don't get the corner spot and I have my back to the room? I spend the entire meal looking over my shoulder and twitching.
*If I'm the first one back to my dorm/house, I do a quick run-through and make sure no one is hiding there.
*I keep some form of weapon by my bed. (My pillow throw is deadly!)
These are just a few habits. Some of my actual reactions to "surprise" situations have been...interesting.
Last week- the inspiration for this post- I was on my couch with a pillow. I had turned my head to look down the hall at something and ran into something. I shrieked and almost hit the thing with my book. ...It was my pillow. Apparently it was lying vertical rather than horizontal...and it freaked me out.
Seriously, I turned and thought someone was standing there! It was terrifying. Then I felt really silly when I realized that it was my pillow...
And then last night I was alone in the dorm again. I was on my couch and, suddenly, all of the power in the dorm went out!
The lights, the tv, everything.
It came on almost immediately after, but the tv came back on and went straight back to playing the DVD.
Then I heard something weird coming from my roommate's roommate's room where our breakers are located.
I grabbed the nearest object and crept to the door.
There was nothing in there, of course, it was just her printer starting up after the power came back on.
So yes...I think I'm a little too paranoid.
But at least I'll survive the zombie apocalypse!
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