If you've ever played a video game, you know what a boss is. It's the guy whose ass you have to kick at the end of each level.
At the end of the game there's a final boss, and if you defeat it you win the game.
In the Game of Life: College Edition, the final boss is clearly the Registrar's office.
Doesn't it just sound like some horrendous dragon-like creature that breathes smog and spits acid? Registrar!!!!
It's a name that I imagine being roared...
Now, like any good final boss, the Registrar appears throughout your journey.
Yeah, each semester you have mini-bosses. These are regular things like finals, trying to register for the next semester (cue Registrar), attempting to keep a normal sleep schedule, and trying to feed yourself.
But the Registrar makes Sephiroth or Ganon look like kittens and puppies with big watery eyes.
In other words, I would rather go up against a psycho hose-beast than talk to the Registrar.
The main problem with the Registrar is their elevated level of self-importance. They think we can't survive without them and always make us feel like we're inconveniencing them!
The school I attend recently switched over to a system called Banner and supplements it with a program called DegreeWorks.
Banner is primarily used to maintain a record of our financial aid and eliminate the hassle of registration.
DegreeWorks monitors our progress for our majors, minors, required credits, and core curriculum courses. (Basically, it's a giant checklist.)
Now, this seems like it should be awesome right? The Registrar's office should exist to input the information and we should never have to interact with each other again.
Except that, because these programs are new, they're more trouble than the old system right now.
So when I get an email that says "make sure your DegreeWorks is right so you can apply for graduation!" I'm less than thrilled to find that I have to go to the Registrar.
Who apparently has no record of one of my majors...even though I've been the same major since first semester of my sophomore year...you know.
So when I tried to explain my major (and pointed out that my major is stapled to my checklist from two years ago) she tells me I need to resubmit my course list?
Which means speaking to the chair of my major's department again (this is like...the fourth time now).
I was very sarcastic in the letter I turned in today- including rudimentary math to prove that I have, in fact, taken 48 credits that apply to this major.
But for now- I have vanquished the Registrar and will be graduating!
...Assuming they enter the information correctly =/
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