Why I have a blog...

There are two goals in mind for this blog:
1.In the style of Allie Brosh (hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com), I'm hoping that I can simply become famous before I graduate so I never have to decide on a real career.
2. Let's prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory right! If you like what I write, tell a friend, and have them tell a friend, until all the friends everywhere have been notified.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Best of Romance Novels

Alright, here's a dirty little not-so-secret-secret of mine: I read romance novels.

Well, technically I call them "smut books." They're a guilty pleasure of mine. (I should actually define all of my hobbies as "guilty pleasures" since I should probably be vaguely ashamed of all of them.)

So, yeah, I own a lot of them. It all started when I accidentally bought one thinking it was a fantasy book. This is legit! I've shown it to many people since purchasing it and it does not look like a romance novel, and the back summary or whatever does not necessarily read like one.

The problem with these books, and you can confirm this if you've ever read one, is that they're like crack. They give you a quick high that is over way too fast.

Then you want more.

So, I've tried to spend my money wisely. Because, unlike crack, you can actually reuse these books. I've read some of them like...10 times. And other people have also read them.

So, because some of them are good enough to be reread, I'm going to name my favorite author:
Kinley MacGregor/ Sherrilyn Kenyon

*Her characters are fantastic with just enough angst to make them completely lovable.
*She's hilarious. I laugh several times through each book.
*The stories are completely original and yet they all manage to end in the cliche happy ending.
*There is plot! Seriously. They're all in series and you actually should read them in order. And they're awesome so you should read them anyway.

She's basically amazing.

She actually writes a wide variety of series:
-Highlanders! (McAllister brothers)
-Brotherhood! (a secret group of people who basically spend their lives trying to save people)
-Lords of Avalon! (a fantastic sci-fi/fantasy series about some of our dear friends from the Arthurian legends)
-Dark/Dream/Were Hunter (the super popular one with vampires and things)
-The League! (A great science fiction universe)

This is the only downside to being a fan of hers. All her other works kind of take a backseat to the Hunter series.

Please support the other ones so she'll write them faster. I've been waiting four years for a third Lords of Avalon book to come out! :(

1 comment:

  1. Confession: I've read them too. For me, it was because my Grandmother has a billion, and I was curious. But I was reading them before I knew what sex was, which made for some interesting misconceptions on my part (mostly regarding what happened in the books, rather than about real sex, which is good, I think?). But yeah. There's definitely some decent medieval historical, fantasy, and sci-fi. Or at least they seemed good when I was, like, 13.
