Why I have a blog...

There are two goals in mind for this blog:
1.In the style of Allie Brosh (hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com), I'm hoping that I can simply become famous before I graduate so I never have to decide on a real career.
2. Let's prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory right! If you like what I write, tell a friend, and have them tell a friend, until all the friends everywhere have been notified.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Posts between 12 and 3 AM

As stated many times, I cannot be left alone. My roommates will now suffer embarrassing moments as I recap random Facebook posts/status updates between the hours of 12 and 3 AM.

Note before I start this: Let it be known that I love both of my roommates. However, they should have learned by now that ditching me before 2 is a bad idea.

12 AM Posts:

1) "See...if its not violent, it doesn't go in" *totally sincere*

‎2) :D :D :D :D ;D

3) MADDI JUST SAID SHE WAS TIRED OF SUPERNATURAL!!!! 7 MONTHS LATER!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! *world implodes*

Explanation for #1- Bobbie was throwing popcorn in my mouth. The first piece made it, the second one bounced off because she threw it too hard. My response was "Too violent!" She then threw another piece which didn't make the distance. Hence this quote.

Explanation for #2- I think it's a "nuff said." We were watching Eclipse and decided that Bella sucks. Then we found this.

Explanation for #3- I actually only started watching Supernatural at the end of April this year (I'm ignoring that I did legitimately watch season one when it was first on). It's our default show whenever we need to put something on the TV.

(Bobbie tells me that I'm low affect intensity or something like that? I can't really function without five mental processes going on at one time so the TV is on constantly.)

Anyway, one night I was kind of not in the mood for season 1-4 (five was out on loan). This was pretty Earth-shattering.

1 AM Posts:

1) I'm sure you've already seen this but...http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e57/ivesia19/bjha.gif

2) "feels judged!"

3) Maddison Melquist loves that her judging look is powerful enough for people to feel.

Explanation for #1- Blooper reel clips were leaked. Our slash fan tendencies couldn't take it.

Explanation for #s 2 and 3- These go together as a pair. I was looking at Bobbie in a judgmental fashion and she was hiding under her blanket in shame. We were kind of curious to see if she could tell when I stopped looking.

Sure enough, as soon as I turned back to my computer screen Bobbie came out from under her blanket.

2 AM Posts:

1) The poof is in my mouth!!

2) Me: This reminds me of that dream I had where someone was really excited about concentric circles.
Roomie: What the hell is a concentric circle? Jesus Christ, Maddi.

3) Maddi! There's a turtle for you on my profile page--assuming no one has taken it that is...

4) "What's wrong door? No...we shouldn't talk to it."


Explanation for #1- Bobbie's hair is kind of ridiculously poofy, and has thus been dubbed "The Poof." Her sister actually wrote an ode to it once. Anyway, some of it got in my mouth at one point and this was my reaction.

Explanation for #2- I shouldn't need to tell you about this. It was late and I brought up math things...why I had a dream once about people who were excited about something as ridiculous as concentric circles I'll never know.

Explanation for #3- Goddamn Facebook games. Happy Aquarium owned my soul for about a week.

Explanation for #4- Bobbie's door is possessed- it creaks horribly. One night, it was going super slow and therefore creaked even worse. Since it was almost 3, we ended up talking to it. We decided this was a bad idea.

Explanation for #5- This noise? It appears when there are problems. For real.

I hope you all enjoyed a quick tour into our lives!


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