Why I have a blog...

There are two goals in mind for this blog:
1.In the style of Allie Brosh (hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com), I'm hoping that I can simply become famous before I graduate so I never have to decide on a real career.
2. Let's prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory right! If you like what I write, tell a friend, and have them tell a friend, until all the friends everywhere have been notified.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stalker Photos

I love taking stalker photos! It's one of my guilty pleasures.

It all started when I randomly creeped on one of my roommates. I put the picture on the wall and a new era was born.

The stalking game.

We did whatever we could: looking up class schedules, creeping behind bushes, all of it.

We kept a tally of "creeper points" based on the quality and creepiness of the image.

It was an epic year. I loved walking into the dorm and trying to explain those pictures to random people.

And I gained some serious skillz! Really, they actually came in handy too:

How epically CIA is that?!

I needed a photo of this guy to show my friends how young he looks compared to his age. I hope he never actually sees this picture...that would be awkward.


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