Why I have a blog...

There are two goals in mind for this blog:
1.In the style of Allie Brosh (hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com), I'm hoping that I can simply become famous before I graduate so I never have to decide on a real career.
2. Let's prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory right! If you like what I write, tell a friend, and have them tell a friend, until all the friends everywhere have been notified.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Best of Television

The title is an absolute lie. I can't choose. I'm just going to write about some of my favorites. Not in any particular order...

Surprise! I think this show is wonderful. The writers, actors, and directors are fantastic and really know how to work together. It's really impressive how well they all know the characters and stories.

Lie to Me
I had only watched an episode before I got season one. And now I'm thrilled to say it's awesome. It's seriously a soap opera, but at least the main character is full of snark and hilarity.

Modern Family
Modern Family is wonderful! It can be as hilarious and awkward as you can imagine, but at the end it's just heartwarming. The characters are all great compliments to each other and the acting is wonderful.

White Collar
I'm actually going to be writing about this later because I'm getting really excited for the rest of season two to start again (Jan. 18 on USA!!!). The overarching story is interesting enough, but nothing is better than Neal, Peter, El, and Mozzie interacting.

Here are a couple others that I still think are spectacular, but I don't feel like going into why:

-The Office
-Rescue Me
-Family Guy
-Worst Cooks in America

And finally, some shows that really should not have been canceled:
-Arrested Development
-Better Off Ted


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